Page 27 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 27



          “I                                                    medicine. Here yet another approach is required.
                     s he listening to me? Does he hear
                                                                Tourists are anxious, understandably, so; they
                                                                wonder whether the doctor will speak their
                     How often do these words come into
                     the minds of patients? They are            language, (he does), will he overcharge them (he
          seldom spoken out loud. Today’s patient, caught       does not). His technique of reaching out to
          in a mass of data, graphs and (sometimes              people is simple. Before starting a consultation
          unnecessary tests) may not always get the             with a tourist, he asks where they are from.
          answer he/she came for. He wants to be asked          Widely travelled in America and Europe he can
          how he feels, but does he get the chance? Was         almost always find a connection with their home
          the system ever different?                            town or state, a university, a hospital, a
                                                                prominent personality, a rabbi. When this is
          Despite 70 years in practice Dr. Sherer, taught in    done he watches the tourist unwind, gaining
          medical school and hospitals never to get too         confidence, especially when Sherer is willing
          close to patients, does not remember such a time.     (time differences permitting) to call their home
          Even in easy-going New Zealand, doctor-patient        doctor and consult together.
          relationships were correct; any personal
          discussion would be regarded as an invasion of        A new vista opens for him, the person behind the
          privacy (it has probably changed by now, but          disease. “People are more interesting than
          certainly prevailed in the 1950’s).                   bacteria.” In Jerusalem, a city of so many
                                                                peoples, his life and work become more
          Immigrating to Israel in 1961, Dr. Sherer finds a     fascinating than ever. However, “there is a time
          different situation. Faced with many different        for everything,” it says in Ecclesiastes, and the
          ethnic groups, each having their own                  time comes for him to retire, looking back on a
          interpretations of what a consultation should be,     colourful life involved with fascinating people
          a patient often says nothing. (What does his          and their stories.
          silence mean? It would vary between groups)
          Dr. Sherer finds himself more involved with           This is not an autobiography. It is about cases
          people than ever before.                              and people in four different countries. In the
                                                                course of 70 years, medicine changes, and Dr.
          Temperamentally unsuited for the controlled           Sherer also changes; he becomes a more mature
          system inherent in organized practice he does         physician as he understands his patients’
          what is regarded as impossible, he begins a           feelings. He engages with them in greater depth,
          private practice unconnected to any institution:      with greater satisfaction. Dr. Sherer is not the
          based on availability, taking as much time as         central figure; he appears in a marginal role.
          necessary to evaluate masses of previous results.
          He succeeds and is soon taking care of Israelis       *"Cases and Crises" is available from Amazon
          frustrated by the “system,” foreign diplomats         or from the Publisher Chaim Mazo, POB 36084
          and their families, international journalists, UN     Jerusalem 91360, or
          personnel etc. He builds a practice and before        Bookshops will order it.
          long becomes a dominant figure in tourist

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