Page 23 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 23

"Piss orf, Ray. I've 'ad my fill of them bleedin'       new calves. You know they have to be registered
        cows pissin' and shittin' all over me this mornin'.     within three munths of birth, otherwise the Milk
        Some silly sod left the gate open, and me and Jim       Marketing Board dusn't accept their pedigrees, nar
        Hobbs had to chase all over Kent at five this           their milk neither. If a cow isn't listed, you carn't
        mornin' to get 'em in fer milkin'. In the pitch dark.   sell 'er, ever, even for meat. Your Chevra nairmed
        Jesus, Jim was ravin' mad."                             six new calves born over the past six months, and

        I sat down at a table with two of the girls and         some are overdue for registration. Never mind that
        envisaged Jack stretching a dungy arm and               now. They have to be listed in the Herd Book and
        scattering fragments into my semolina. Naturally,       this form for registration with the nairmes of the
        that's exactly what happened. He sat down, dung         new heifers, dates of birth, an' all the rest… So
        coated jeans and all, right next to me. The two         let's see. What nairmes did your Chevra concoct
        girls didn't wait to exchange pleasantries and          this time?" He opened the Herd Book with a snap.
        promptly rose and joined another table. Jack            "Dairsy, Meg, Bridget… Naw, that's too normal!"
        wasn't upset in the least, but would have thought       He smirked in irritation for a split second. "Aw
        me very squeamish had I left. I was trying hard to      naw … it's gotta be Hiroshito, Little Flo, Big Flo,
        ignore the pong.                                        and now 'ere cumes the first prize… OVERFLAW
                                                                !!!! I usk ye, Maurice lad, what kind of impression
        Life was pretty frugal by necessity and this was        doos it mairke when I have to answer questions at
        another factor in training us for kibbutz life and      the Milk Board, or when I go to auction at th'
        for living almost entirely without handling money.      cattle market? Overflaw, my eye! I feel a
        We elected a "fags-man" (British meaning, please        complete fool whenever I have to shaw th' Herd
        note) – usually a non-smoker girl to dish out the       Book to anyone outside."
        fags (cigarettes) to the addicts, and a "sweets-
        girl", usually a boy, to give out a small, weekly       I was unprepared for this onslaught and could
        serving of confectionary.                               only grin awkwardly. I'd seen the name Overflow
                                                                in the dairy on the milk charts and already had my
        A clash of mentalities                                  giggle. Little did he know how those poor dairies
        About a month after my arrival, I was landed with       (who would enter the milking parlour when their
        the job of farm secretary. It involved paper work,      names were called) got landed with their monikers
        deputizing in the dairy and poultry coops and the       – the results of private jokes circulating inside the
        odd tractoring job. Mr. Hobbs seemed to think I         Chevra. "Big Flo" was the subject of an especially
        could handle it, but was furious when I was voted       vile joke that Mike had told the Chevra one
        in as Gar'in secretary two days later, as well as my    evening, the other "Flo's" being just extensions of
        cultural activities. One of the administrative jobs     it. The original Big Flo was a cow anyway! I
        included recording dairy lactations, calvings,          made a pretense of agreeing just to get him off my
        ordering fodder and so on. Official stuff, and as       back. He might have appreciated the joke, off-
        boring as a wet weekend in Wigan. I was still new       duty.
        on the job, but Hobbs had no patience for
        brainless Chevra decisions and was bitterly             "Yes, you're absolutely right about the calf-
        critical of the way we handled serious matters. He      naming business, Mr. Hobbs. I'll bring it up at the
        stomped into the office, livid and ready for battle.    next meeting. And I'll let them know what you
        He began by attacking the decision to vote me in        said about the other matters."
        as Garin secretary, and then went on:                   I could just imagine us lot choosing Betsy or
        "Now look you 'ere…Maurice." His Geordie                Gertie for calf-names. Oh, sure!
        speech was in full kilter, unstoppable. “There’s        *’Overflow’ takes place at a fictional Hachsharah
        anuther serious matter you have to deal with. Last      farm of the “Bnei Dror” in southern England.
        week you 'ad a meeting to discuss nairmes for the

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