Page 18 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 18


           ARYEH WOLFIN

          K                                                     France, and on illegal immigrant ships
                   far Hanassi is the inner sanctum of the
                                                                (including the Exodus) which were diverted by
                   very core of the Habonim icon in Israel
                   throughout the ages (at least since
                                                                members of the garin were interned in special
          1948). The kibbutz has served to inspire              the British navy, to Cyprus and Atlit. There,
          generations of members who took up the                camps for illegal immigrants, and thus were
          chalutzic challenge, for it is the only               prevented from reaching their destination as
          thoroughbred British Habonim enterprise in            planned. They came to Kfar Blum in dribs and
          Israel. An expression of this was the name            drabs during 1947, and the last ones arrived
          Mansura given to the new plugah in NW London          close to the creation of the State.
          (in the succah of the Kinloss Gardens Shul),                    th
          where I joined the movement in 1948. This was         On the 17  August 1947, at a general meeting of
          the name of an abandoned Arab village in the          those who made it to Kfar Blum, a discussion
          southern Huleh Valley the site of the new British     took place regarding the future of the garin. In
          Habonim kibbutz, later to become Kfar Hanassi,        order to consolidate their independence, and
          following its relocation two years later, when it     prepare themselves for eventual settlement, they
          was named after Chaim Weitzman, the first             relocated to Camp Akiva near Hadera, in
          president of the State of Israel.                     October 1947 under the guise of the Jewish
                                                                Agency. There they worked in orange groves
          The founding members of Kfar Hanassi, many            and fishponds in the area.
          of whom were formally children who fled from
          Germany on the "Kindertransport" in 1939,             The War of Independence broke out prior to the
          found their new home in the framework of the          State of Israel in May 1948 and intensified
          movement. With the passing of time, they              following its creation. In the middle of June
          contributed to its very backbone as leaders and       1948, the United Nations declared a thirty-day
          organisers and they fully integrated into its         cease fire, during which time the army and the
          existing social framework. They joined the            settlement authorities hurried to establish
          indigenous chaverim, populating the mythical          settlements to serve as strongpoints in areas of
          "Batim" (Habonim hostels), where they                 friction, particularly along the borders.
          strengthened the pioneering resolve of the            The Habonim garin, were given three choices for
          movement. This led them later to join the             a place to settle. They chose Upper Galilee just
          movement "hachshara" training farms, in the           north of Lake Kinneret overlooking the River
          framework of which a garin was formed. Their          Jordan, hitherto lacking any Jewish presence in
          aim was to create a new settlement in an              wilderness surroundings, on the border with
          outlying border area in the Land of Israel.           Syria. The land was covered with black basalt
                                                                rocks making it impossible to cultivate. The first
          In 1946, the first eight members of the garin                              nd
          with certificates arrived individually at the         group arrived on the 2  July 1948, followed by
          Anglo-Baltic kibbutz Kfar Blum for a period of        subsequent groups of the garin, who thereafter
          consolidation and preparation for settlement.         engaged for the coming 2 years, almost entirely,
          More than a hundred were delayed on the way in        in clearing the rocks by hand, in order to make
                                                                the land cultivable. They lived in tents and make

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