Page 13 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 13
The next day we arrived in Zalescky and parked must have been helping her mother doing the
alongside the market square. I compared it to the shopping on the weekly market day. That girl
photos I had found In JewishGen dating back as was my mother.
far as 1905 and to my astonishment it was the
same market square, virtually unaltered! The And then another thought. How did she manage
trees in the photos, then just saplings, were now the transition from this small, quiet and quaint
all much, much taller but most of the aged Polish village into the heart of mighty London,
buildings were still there. We visited the Jewish in order to study medicine in the prestigious
quarter, now bereft of any Jews, but the old Guys Hospital?
stone houses were still standing, slightly And then a final thought. What would she say
renovated, and all inhabited. now, if she could see her son a hundred years on,
sitting in her old village, about which she had
We sat in the small café adjoining the square.
Only then did I fully realize that in this same never breathed even a single word?
very square, a hundred years previously, a slim
wisp of a girl of 12, with flowing blond hair
Scenes from our visit
to Zalishchky,
formally Zalescky