Page 14 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 14
DAVID PATTERSON (1922 – 2005)
I some four-hundred senior members of Habonim
joined Habonim in 1942 when I was twenty
and the programme was fascinating and
years old. Six weeks later, I was told that a
Veidah (a kind of conference) was to take
place in London over the Christmas weekend. Out remarkably humorous. I was introduced to Hindle
Perlman who told me that the previous evening
of sheer curiosity, I volunteered to attend. her sister Leila had walked up and down the tube
Habonim Central Office in London wrote that I station platform shouting “David Patterson” for
would be staying with Hindle Perlman who was a hours on end! The Veida continued the next day
nurse at the Hammersmith Hospital. where we listened to several lectures, one given
by Moshe Shertock who later as Moshe Sharet
Wartime train journeys were interminable. Ten became Prime Minister of Israel, followed by an
hours later, I arrived at Euston and took a tube to intense and passionate discussion. That weekend
the station indicated in the letter. I wandered formed a turning point in my life. I felt that I had
around in the blackout until I found the address, discovered something, which I had always been
which turned out to be a derelict building! This looking for, and I became acquainted with a group
was my first experience of Habonim of young men and women of outstanding ability
arrangements! I took the last tube to with an idealism and enthusiasm, which were
Hammersmith and arrived at the hospital late on infectious.
Christmas Eve where two nurses confirmed that
Hindle did indeed work there and gave me a The Veida and the Zionist cause kindled of a
different address for her. They allowed me to stay flame inside me that has remained with me
in the waiting room where I slept on two throughout my life. I became deeply involved
armchairs, which kept sliding apart so that most of with the movement in Liverpool and then in
the night I was suspended on my neck and ankles! Manchester where I lived in the Habonim Bayit,
At six o’clock, they gave me a cup of tea and (House) in 88 Bury Old Road.
tactfully suggested that I should leave. I got the
first tube back to North West London and found Early in the summer of 1943, I visited Kibbutz
my way to the second address – another ruined Shmariyahu at Latton near Cirencester, which was
building! Undaunted, I wandered around until I a Hachshara (training farm) for young people who
found a door with a mezuzah, banged loudly and were preparing for an agricultural life in Palestine,
woke the owner who wasn’t best pleased to be later Israel. I was so impressed with the young
disturbed at 7:15 on Christmas morning! He people I met there that it seemed to me that I too
directed me to the nearest Synagogue and as soon should live in a Kibbutz. I came to appreciate just
as the service began, I was given the address of what a particularly fortunate generation we were
the Kimche family who were members of to have experienced the origins and creation of the
Habonim. State of Israel and to have felt such deep
emotional ties with everything related to it.
They gave me a warm welcome and later took me
to the Stepney Green Girls’ Club where the Veida Because of the powerful influence of Habonim, I
was taking place. What a revelation! There were decided to study Hebrew and Arabic, which I
thought would be a useful background for life in a