Page 16 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 16



        I                                                       into a new world of awakening Jewish
             was a teenager during WW2 and lived in
                                                                consciousness, learning the history of the Jewish
            Southport where, thankfully, we were
            sheltered from the horrors of the war. Every
        Saturday night members of the Southport Jewish          People and the Zionist cause. It was heady stuff. It
                                                                was the usual practice at our meetings for each
        Social club met to enjoy dancing to the music of        member to be asked to contribute something of
        Victor Sylvester or jiving to Joe Loss and his          interest. I was given a book of poems by the
        band. Everything went smoothly until the person         famous Hebrew poet Bialik – and later asked to
        in charge forgot to wind up the gramophone or           talk about one of his poems: ‘Be-ir HaHaregah,’ –
        change the steel needle!                                ‘The City of Slaughter’ which was written after
                                                                the 1903 Kishinev pogrom. The poem described
        Suddenly and without warning, my three close            the devastation when, without warning, armed
        friends persuaded me to join Habonim – a                Russian Cossacks had ridden into a Jewish village
        watershed moment. The translation of the Hebrew         and slaughtered men, women and children. It had
        word Habonim is simply: ‘The Builders.’ It              a tremendous impact on me etched forever in my
        became a worldwide Zionist Cultural Youth               mind. Nevertheless, it was by no means all doom
        Organisation founded in England in 1929 by Aron         and gloom. No meeting was complete without
        Wellesley. The Habonim Badge is in the shape of         Hebrew folk songs and dances. What energy, what
        an outline of the Hebrew letter Beth – which is the     ruach – high spirits. Shiny-faced sweaty youths
        first letter of the Hebrew word Bonim – builders,       thundered round the room singing and dancing for
        and filled in with drawings of bricks. It was all       hours on end. No one knew this of course but deep
        very new to me but I was keen to join so I              inside my sensitive soul, I nourished a teenage
        swapped my Social Club ballroom dances and              neurosis. I was always on the lookout for
        learned a completely new one - the Horah.
                                                                embarrassing tell-tale signs of perspiration and
        The Habonim Initiation Ceremony was twofold.            praying that liberal applications of rather evil
        New members, proudly wearing their badges,              smelling ‘Mum Antiperspirant Cream’ would
        offered a handmade cardboard brick and solemnly         work. The very next week I was swept off my feet
        recited The Promise:                                    dancing the Horah with kids wearing royal blue
        I promise to do my best to make myself worthy of        Habonim shirts unashamedly displaying navy blue
        bearing the name of Jew.                                damp sweaty patches in their armpits!
        To uphold the name of the Jewish people.                I hardly knew any Hebrew but I joined in with
        To train myself in the knowledge of my people.          gusto and chanted with everyone else. One such
        To play my part in the upbuilding of Palestine as       chant was mentioned which I thought was about
        the Jewish National Home.                               someone called Billy B. His name cropped up all
        To serve the Jewish people for their good and for       the time although his surname was never
        the good of all me. To be a loyal citizen of the        mentioned and I did not like to ask. To be honest,
        country in which I live.
                                                                I had a bit of a crush on the enigmatic Billy B. I

        The liberating spirit of Habonim was exhilarating.      imagined him to be a fine handsome pioneer –
        Our new little group – Gedud Hanamal – The Port         draining swamps, reclaiming the land and helping
        – became the focal point of my life. I was plunged      to make the desert bloom in far off Palestine. It
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