Page 9 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 9

before finally retiring to live full time in            they are in New York earning enough to fund an

        Jerusalem and play tennis. Or so I thought.             additional year of touring while their father is in
        Unexpectedly, I’m working for the East Jerusalem        Kfar Saba developing five different internet ideas
        Company rebuilding the Rova and the                     and their mother is Professing Philosophy at Tel
        surrounding area, trying to get the Sheraton, a         Aviv University. Keeping watch on the
        former client of the agency, to build a hotel there;    grandchildren while they dazzle us with growing
        and a Canadian friend to put up Israel’s first          up as we grow older (now in our 93s) has brought
        Supermarket. Then came an offer from Haifa              us to remain in the States far longer than we had
        University I couldn’t refuse.                           ever anticipated. After their next batch of seeing
                                                                the world the grandchildren will decide where to
         We rented out our Rova home and went off to            start studying, whom to fall in love with, and
        Canada to persuade students to spend a semester,        where to raise their own children. Their decisions
        or even a year, at Haifa U., and to raise funds for     will affect us, as will our immediate children’s
        the University. After a couple of good years doing      decisions as they already enter retirement years,
        that, I did several more years in the U.S. for the      and we come closer to touring outer space.
        Histadrut. By which time daughter and son-in-law
        had opened an advertising art studio, first in Tel      That’s a brief look at what can happen to a
        Aviv, then expanding to New York, and then              budding BBC actor when he joins Habonim.

        building an upscale diet Vitalicious business           There’s much, much more in my book titled
        across the U.S. Meanwhile, our grandchildren in         “This One”, a copy of which is in the Palmach
        Israel completed their army service, and started        Museum in Tel Aviv, and is available at
        seeing the world as Israelis do these days. Now

                                                                 The Ages of … Alec Aylat

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