Page 7 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 7


        ALEC AYLAT

        O                                                       language and, since I refused to speak English for
                 riginally from Glasgow, I was with the
                                                                a year, my Hebrew language skills improved
                 Feature and Drama Department of the
                 BBC in Manchester (evacuated from              quickly. When, eventually, I occasionally also
        London) in 1944/45 when I first joined Habonim.         spoke English again, I was surprised when I

        Not yet drafted, I volunteered for the Jewish           stumbled now and again recalling simple words.
        Brigade Group when it became part of the Eighth         We were attacked shortly after the State was
        Army in 1945 and was with it in Italy, Holland          declared. Seven of our members were killed,
        and Belgium. I was demobilized, illegally, with         including Eli Ben Zvi, son of (later President)
        the Brigade in Palestine in 1946, (illegally, in the    Yitzhak Ben Zvi, We were under constant attack
        name of another Brigadenik who stayed behind to         for four months, and then help was needed at
        work with the refugees. Illegally, because I had        Kibbutz Gesher, near Lake Kinneret, where I,
        volunteered for the Brigade in England and not in       with some machine-gun skills, was sent with our
        Palestine. He who volunteers in England is              Palmach group to join the defense.
        demobbed in England. The Queen later forgave
        me). It was my first change of name.                    An American war correspondent, whose mother

                                                                was a friend of Rachel Ben Zvi, visited Beit
        For my second change of name, I awaited my              Keshet at Rachel’s request. It was “love at first
        Haganah-prepared false identity card in Kibbutz         sight”. She chose to remain in Beit Keshet until
        Na’an when the kibbutz was stormed by British           we decided to marry, which we did, several
        army and Palestine Police contingents on                months later, in Jerusalem. It was my third change
        Saturday, June 29, 1946, a date always to be            of name, Dassah not agreeing to be known as
        known in the Yishuv as Shabbat Hashachor, the           Hadassah Chavivah Ben Shmuel. It was time to
        Black Sabbath. I was arrested there like most           leave Beit Keshet, albeit reluctantly. With Dassah
        everyone else. We were detained in Rafiah,              being a war correspondent and yours truly with

        interrogated several times, and I, like some others,    my broadcasting experience, we both got jobs on
        but hardly unexpectedly, and only following             The Palestine Post (later, The Jerusalem Post), she
        serious efforts by the chief interrogator to get me     as features editor, I on the news desk. Some
        to understand English, was released after a month,      months later I was also hired by Reuters.
        and went to Kfar Blum, my original Habonim
        destination. While there, I participated in the         We lived with the Ben Zvi’s for several months
        founding overnight, across the Jordan, of a new         until we moved to temporary quarters with JNF
        kibbutz, Neot Mordechai. (Around which I have           head Avraham Granot’s family, whose daughter
        since written a screenplay). I left Kfar Blum           was working in the States. Those were Tzenah
        shortly after because English was more the main         days. Friday afternoons we would get a shout
        language there than Hebrew. I joined a number of        from upstairs that the water was hot and that it
        my Sabra friends from the Brigade who were              was time for our weekly five minute showers.
        already in Lower Galilee's Beit Keshet, the first       When, eventually, Dassah was in her ninth month

        kibbutz of the Palmach. There, Ivrit was the only
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