Page 2 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 2

From the Editor                                         Contents

        This issue of Kol Bogrei Habonim heralds the            From the Editor ....................................... 2
        momentous 90  anniversary year of the founding          From the Chairman ................................. 3
        of Habonim. A number of our contributors reflect        British Jews and Aliya ............................. 4
        on their personal experiences in the movement
        and impact on their future social and professional      Ha’aretz – October 5 2018 ...................... 6
        lives as a consequence. In anticipation of the next     Ninety Three Years Young ...................... 7
        issue of the Iton, leading up to the events marking     Face to Face with William ..................... 10
        this historic year, we look forward to even more        The Road to Zalescky ........................... 12
        prose/poetry from chaverim mirroring their              Habonim’s 80  Anniversary .................. 14
        experiences in the movement and aftermath.
                                                                Habonim ............................................... 16
        My own Habonim experiences date from around             Seventy Years Kfar Hanassi ................. 18
        my tenth year and Gedud Hanegev, meeting every          “A Little Fishy” - Overflow ...................... 20
        Sunday at Kinloss Gardens Synagogue in NW
        London under the guidance of the late Geoff Leff.       Habonim/Habonim Dror Reunion .......... 24
        Six years later found me at the David Eder Farm         Gilly’s Story ........................................... 26
        on Hachsharat Noar… one of the best years of my         “Cases and Crises” – a Synopsis .......... 27
        life, a benchmark for my life thereafter in Israel.     Something on my Mind ......................... 28
        The editorial committee warmly congratulates            Letter to the Editor ................................ 29
        Nick Reynold, our in-house historian, on the            Momentous Days .................................. 30
        publication of his second book: The War of the          Habonim’s Role in my Life .................... 33
        Zionist Giants (namely David Ben Gurion and
        Haim Weizmann). Nick has been a constant                1970-71 Shnat Reunion ........................ 36
        contributor to the Iton in recent years and             Garin Chet 50 Year Reunion ................. 38
        hopefully, there is more to come.                       Remembering… .................................... 40

        Special thanks to all the chaverim who took on the      Poetry Corner I ..................................... 41
        formidable proofreading tasks for the Iton: Debbie      Poetry Corner II .................................... 42
        Gelbard, David Chester, Sid Cooper, Jon Anson,          Back Cover ........................................... 44
        Donya Meijer, and Paul Shotts.

        Harold Hirsch

          Editorial Committee

          Harold Hirsch                      Coral Navon                       Su Lapidot
          POB 7255                           43 Golda Meir                     5 Hanachal
          Or Akiva 3060000                   Haifa 3498245                     Pardes Hannah 3706705
          04-6261645                         04-8256281                        04-6373565

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