Page 3 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 3
L awareness of our achievements as we view them
ast April, two weeks after we celebrated
the introduction to mankind of the
concept of freedom as the Israelites were
released from slavery, we celebrated 50 years Through cross- generational area meetings
(chugei bayit), new bonds have been created
since the founding of Garin Chet, which between those generations, including awareness
coincided with the 50 anniversary of the of our legacy by a whole new generation of
founding of Kibbutz Mevo Hama, the 70th youngsters who have come on Aliya from the
anniversary of Kfar Hanassi by British Habonim, movement in recent years and who, no less
and the founding of the State of Israel.
committed and dedicated, are attempting to
History has a knack of reaching beyond the tackle the ills of modern Israeli society working
years and bringing together great forces which, in various educational and social projects in
when unleashed, ultimately create the very life urban centers.
styles by which we choose to fulfill our own A similar creative force brought us together once
self-realization (Hagshama Atzmit).
again in February of this year at the Eden Inn in
Who better to know this than chaverim of Irgun Zichron Yaakov. The camaraderie and bonding,
Bogrei Habonim? And at what better occasion in the here and now, of chaverim who many
than the 50th year reunion of Garin Chet to years ago had dedicated their youth - at different
remind ourselves of the absolute dedication and times, in different circumstances and in different
commitment we demanded of ourselves in order places - to the pursuit of the ideals which defined
to achieve self-realization. In the words of Ivri us.
Tasker: “Those halcyon days became ingrained Our 90th anniversary approaches. What better
in our memories and added a brick to the time and place to recognize our personal and
foundations for whom we became” … and what group achievements; to sing in our choral
we all went on to achieve.
ensemble; to be involved in the programme, the
The chaverim of Garin Chet, chaverim of Mevo finances, the exhibitions, the archive
Hama, showed that this same dedication and consolidation, the technological displays, social
commitment can also work wonders today. media, promotions and so much more. We are
Matched by the same passion on the part of all out to ensure that we have an event worthy of
the participants, we were transported yet again the 90 years that you and I and so many
into the magical Movement realm of generations have dedicated to the movement. So
camaraderie and bonding. please join us now in our preparations.
I believe that Irgun Bogrei Habonim, rather than We hope that through the continuing cross-
relying on just nostalgia and the past, has also generational area meetings we will involve all
stimulated over the last two years that same our chaverim in the journey towards our 90th
dedication, commitment and passion by and beyond.
providing activities that inspire camaraderie and
bonding in the “here and now” through