Page 26 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 26


          GILLY KENAN

          I                                                     they could, tried not to flinch when the blow
               was born on Mt Carmel in 1937. When
              WW2 broke out, the British subjects were
                                                                came down upon their club. The boys were
              evacuated to S. Africa for fear that General
                                                                pants. All of this activity was most secretive. We
              Rommel may invade Palestine. We stayed in         standing shirtless & wore short rolled-up khaki
          S. Africa for 4 years. In 1944, just before the war   were told to hurry up and go into our classes
          was over, we returned to British Mandate              without saying a word, not knowing that those
          Palestine where I remember my mother giving           handsome boys were going to give up their lives
          our charming Arab maid her winter coat, just          for the sake of creating our Jewish State.
          before she escaped to cold Lebanon in 1947.           When the fighting broke out that year, we did

          When the Declaration of the State was declared,       not learn (as I had explained previously).
          I was 10 years old. At that time, we were living      Children from the Northern-border-Kibbutzim
          on Mt. Carmel, Haifa. One of my most vivid            were evacuated to Haifa. My mother told me to
          memories is of running on the Carmel streets,         go to where my cousins, who were from Kibbutz
          among the dancing crowds, holding, for the first      Hanita, were residing due to their evacuation. I
          time in my life, the hand of one of the boys of       was told to read them a story in Hebrew. I
          my class! The next day the school was                 remember how anxious I was to read nicely to
          transformed into a military camp, so we were          them. I rehearsed all the way there to sound as
          sent by buses downtown. Our class of 30 was           confident and fluent as I could. However, after
          squeezed into a parallel class and for the rest of    two minutes of reading, these seven-year-old
          the year we hardly learnt anything.                   Kibbutz children had heard enough of my
          The school I went to was the prestigious school,      reading and went off on their way leaving me
          the Reali School on Mt. Carmel, Haifa. I was          with the unread story. That unread story was my
          then 10 years old, in between the 4th and 5           little "War Contribution" before the Declaration
          grade. Every morning, during those days, when I       of the State of Israel, in that crucial year of 1948.
          arrived early at school, I noticed a group of sun     In 1952, Coronation Year, my father (who was
          burnt, strong, energetic young boys from the          the son of the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, Dr.
          senior high - school practicing something called      Joseph H. Hertz) decided to leave Israel and
          "Kapap" (Krav Panim el Panim – face to face           return to England.
          fighting). It was some kind of military training      For three years, I went to a boarding school in
          before going to the Hagana (the not yet Israeli       the South of England. When I was 17, I came to
          army.)                                                live in London with my family. I was lonely so I

           As I was walking down into the yard, I saw a         found Habonim, which was the most wonderful
          large man running round in the middle of a circle     thing for me in London. A year later, in 1956, I
          of boys, who were holding sticks or clubs at          returned to Israel to serve in the Israeli army as a
          their arms' length, above their heads. The man        תדדוב תלייח. On the first day of my joining the
          moved from one boy to another, hitting each           army, the Sinai War broke out on October 31
          boy's club as hard as he could, using all the         1956…
          might he had. Those boys, who were standing           And as the saying goes, "she has lived there
          round in a circle holding their clubs as firmly as    happily ever after…"

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