Page 30 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 30



        I                                                       been organizing Aliya Bet from England since
            n December 1946, after the success of the
            Movement’s Veida and Chagiga, on which I
                                                                May 1946. Balu’s first concern was to find a
            had worked for the previous six-months, it
        didn’t take too long before I was called to the         qualified assistant. Wrotz, (later known as
                                                                Avraham Avidar), was asked to assume this
        colours (Movement work) by Ossie Edelstein. At          responsibility. Wrotz had prior experience when,
        this time, he was responsible for the Vatikei           before the war, he had been involved in
        Habonim and was the editor of “Binyan”                  evacuating German chalutzim from the Danzig
        magazine. He had formally requested Jack                area. Shmuel Hatzor was the second person to
        Freedman to ask the Redhill Hachshara to release        carry out this task after Wrotz had left for
        me for Movement work. I knew that the only              Palestine, in January 1947. The selection of
        drawback to this employment was that I would be         candidates for Aliya Bet was the responsibility of
        held back from aliya for at least two years. The        Gershie Epstein, who was Mazkir of the
        Hachshara agreed - what else could they do? And         Movement, together with the two central shlichim,
        so my agricultural training in England ended. My        Niumka (Leviatan) Levanon, from Kibbutz Kfar
        only request was to be able to continue with my         Blum-Naame and Balu Spitz, and later a senior
        twice-weekly attendance at the Sir John Cass            Movement member, Jack Freedman. I remember
        School of Fine Arts (now part of the London             when Gussie’s turn came to go on “illegal aliya”,
        University).                                            in January 1948 that we approached Jack and
                                                                informed him that we were going to get married.
        I then joined the office workers, who lived in the
        Bayit, at 2 Queensdown Road. We would catch             We took it for granted that I would be included on
        the bus from Hackney, attempt the Times                 Gussie’s ticket, to go on aliya. Jack said nothing
        crossword, get off somewhere near our office at         doing, if Gussie was to marry Denis that was her
        67 Great Russell Street, which was close to the         problem - she would just have to wait behind with
        huge British Museum. I was made Rosh Peleg of           him until he had finished doing his stint of
        East London and responsible for all Movement            Movement work, which was scheduled to last
        camping activities. I was also assigned to the JNF      until the end of 1949!
        desk, which necessitated going to the JNF Head          With “illegal aliya” becoming daily occurrences at
        Office at 70 Great Russell Street, in the main          the hachsharot and at the bayit in Hackney, we
        building of the Zionist Movement’s Head Office,         were more than a little apprehensive regarding our
        to meet with Yehudah Goodman. Here I                    security precautions - or the lack of them. When I
        encountered leading personalities in the Zionist        attended the Sir John Cass School of Fine Arts in
        Movement, including Dr. Chaim Weizmann,                 London, I never thought that I would be an object
        Moshe Sharett (Shertok), Berl Locker, Abba              of police surveillance.
        (Aubrey) Eban and other leading lights.
                                                                Regularly, I would be met near the Aldgate East
        Leila Pearlman later recalled that her bosses in        underground tube-station, by a burly sergeant of
        Aliya Bet work were Balu Spitz (Gershon Amir),          the Metropolitan Police Force, who would ask me
        a shaliach from Kibbutz Neot Mordechai, and             in a kindly voice, to open my metal case. After the
        Wrotz (Avraham Wotzslavsky). Balu had already           third time, I remonstrated with him and asked him

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