Page 32 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 32
United Nations Partition-Plan, passed on 29th Freedman, Bebe and Niumka Leviatan and many
November 1947; and, the establishment of the others - had gathered in the Bayit’s chadar-ochel,
State of Israel on 15th May 1948. each holding his or her breath and listening to the
radio in a hushed silence. We didn’t get any real
Leading up to the UN passing the Partition-Plan
(for a two-state solution), the Jews of the Zionist information until the next day, when all the
persuasion lived either in apprehension or in newspapers reported our glad news. The Partition-
euphoria. I recall that on the night of the 29th Plan had passed (33 for, 13 against, 10
November 1947, a Saturday, all the Movement abstentions). We went crazy, laughing and singing
workers and Bayit staff - including myself and and dancing around like madmen. It was truly a
Gussie, Gershie and Shosh Epstein, Issy and momentous time in our lives, euphoria, to be
Matty Devons, Len Green, Asher Tremberg repeated six-months later with the establishment
(Tarmon), Renee Cohen, Ossie Edelstein, Jack of the State of Israel.