Page 37 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 37
Kabbalat Shabbat, on the lawn, was organised by Paleomagnetic site near Wassett Junction, to
Paul and Carol Shotts. Very respectful and hear about the reverse polar-magnetic field
inclusive, we sat in a circle as night fell, leaving trapped in the basalt. Thereafter, still in convoy,
those from abroad wistfully wishing they had we headed to the top of Har Bental, for a lookout
heeded Elaine’s advice and brought their over the Syrian Plateau and an update on the
jumpers. Soon everyone was joining in the old geopolitics of the Golan, followed by a coffee in
niggunim especially lecha dodi, and as I looked Café Annan (pun on Kofi Anan and Café in the
around I could see that people were transported clouds). From there we went down to Katzrin,
back from the Golan of 2017 to their youth and where we visited the Talmudic Village for a
kabbalot Shabbat in the kinim, summer camps or glimpse of life in the time of Jesus, and had a
Bet HaEmek in 1970. picnic lunch outside. Finally, we climbed down
to the fascinating site of Umm el Kanatir
Kabbalat Shabbat was followed by dinner at the
hotel, and then an evening programme arranged (mother of arches) and visited the excavated and
by Nick Kates in the form of a multi-media quiz, reconstructed 5 century synagogue, which is
using music and slides of the few photos not yet even open to the public and saw the three
available from our shnat. Thanks to Pam, there arches after which the site is named. From there
are now better and more pictures of our group we retired to nearby Kibbutz Mevo Hama for a
after two days at Merom Golan than there are of lovely fish-and-chip supper courtesy of Gary and
our entire year on Bet HaEmek. Ann, and a schmooze with invited chaverim of
the Kibbutz and others, who came to bid us
As the resident licensed tour-guide, I was asked farewell.
to organise and lead a local tiyul on the Shabbat.
The challenge for me was to find sites and places Allowing Sue the last word - I think she got it
of interest that even those who live in Mevo right, when after the event she emailed and
Hama did not know or had not visited. The tiyul thanked the organising committee "…we can all
was designed as an introduction to the Golan and be very satisfied and happy with how the
weekend went. A good/great time was had by
the sites to be visited were a mix of introduction all. All our meetings were worthwhile,
to the geology of the Golan; life in a everything went so smoothly and each activity
reconstructed Talmudic Village of the 5-8 was really interesting and fun………I think it
Centuries; a fascinating newly excavated and was a sign that the weekend was a success, that
reconstructed synagogue; and, an introduction to nobody wanted it to end, and some stayed (on at
the Six-Day and Yom Kippur Wars, and their Mevo Hama) for quite a while. Just 3 years to go
impact on the Golan. until the next one….."
After breakfast, the scene was set as we left
Merom Golan in convoy, firstly to the