Page 36 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 36

1970 – 71 SHNAT REUNION, APRIL 2017


          A                                 th                  group of 25 chaverim from London, Manchester,
                  fter many emails, many meetings and
                                                                Leeds and Glasgow, aged between 17 and 20,
                  months of planning, the 47
                  anniversary reunion of the 1970 -71
          Shnat group got under way at 3pm, on Thursday         who went on to spend a year on Bet Ha’Emek,
                                                                under the watchful eye of our madrichim Brenda
          the 30  March 2017, at the Hotel in Kibbutz           Landes and Henry Near.
          Merom Golan.
                                                                There had been a number of reunions previously
                                                                in Bet HaEmek, Mevo Hama and Nazareth but
          The event had been arranged by the organising-        this, the 45  anniversary, was to be something
          committee of Gary Black, Stephen Kliner, Ann          different, only it was two-years late – nothing
          Rube, Paul Shotts and Felicity Yaacobi, all           different there!
          under the guidance and watchful eye of the

          intrepid Sue Latner, who assiduously drove the        After settling in to our accommodation, we all
          event forward. Such weighty matters as to             met up in the lounge for coffee with our
          whether spouses should be allowed to                  madricha, Brenda Landes, who joined us for the
          participate, and if so, should there be separate      weekend. It was a slow start, but we soon got
          activities for them, had been given due               into gear - the same old banter, the same old
          consideration and had been settled.  The              jokes, reminiscences etc. The years just melted
          organising-committee, a group who even had            away. Supper was a Druze culinary experience,
          had difficulty in planning meetings was               in the converted garage of the local dentist-cum-
          pleasantly surprised that it had finally come to      restaurateur in Buq’ata – nothing elaborate.
          fruition.                                             The following morning, after breakfast, it was
                                                                back to the Druze village of Buq’ata to the house
          With advice from Elaine Black that the forecast
          for the weekend on the Golan was to be ‘quite         of Samira, to hear about Druze culture and her
          cold’, the Israelis packed their jumpers and          personal fight against the authorities in learning
          warm clothes, while those from Chutz L’Aretz,         to drive and start her own business. We tried our
          showing a reckless lack of care, packed their         hands at stuffing vine and cabbage leaves - there
          shorts and T-shirts. At any rate, leaving from the    is nothing like getting your hands messy to
          US, Canada, the UK and Israel we were all             create a bonding experience - and then
          headed for Merom Golan.                               proceeded to eat this relish crouched most
                                                                uncomfortably on the floor. For the desert of
          After the closure of the David Eder Farm around       knafeh, we were invited out to Samira’s fields,
          1970, plans had been put in place for the first       where she runs a ‘pick your own fruit’ business.
          post Eder Farm (hachshara) to be held in Israel.      The afternoon took us on a jeep tour from
          Accordingly, the Hachshara of 1970 -71 was to         Merom Golan, to the Golan border to see more
          be the first-year course of British Habonim to do     of the area, and to hear about its geography and

          hachshara on Kibbutz – at Kibbutz Bet Ha’Emek         history.
          in the Western Galil. We were a trail-blazing

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