Page 29 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - January 19
P. 29



        I                                                       was "House Architect" of Bet Ha'emek for 50
             have just read the Newsletter and at my age,
                                                                years, taught at the Technion and even got elected
            it was the obit page that triggered many
                                                                Mazcir of Bet Ha'emek, twice... Recently the
                                                                Kibbutz arranged an exhibition of my work which
        Over my years in Bet Ha'emek, I lost touch with
        Habonim, although many of its "younger"                 is on show in the Dining Room and Club and you
        members stayed on the Kibbutz and I have kept up        are all invited to come and take a look - open till
        contact with old friends in                                                    February.
        Kfar Hanassi and Amiad.                                                        In 2011 my book " ריע אל
                                                                                       רפכ   אל" was published both
        I couldn't make it to the
        Archive Day but the event                                                      in Hebrew and in English,
        coincided with my parallel                                                     I have set up the above
        activities in setting up the                                                   mentioned Archive
        "The Planning and                                                              containing more than
        Architecture of the                                                            20,000 items related to the
        Kibbutz Archive" also part                                                     Planning and Architecture
        of the Yad Tabenkin                                                            of the Kibbutz and am at
        collection.                                                                    present completing the
                                                                                       draft of a new book on
        I joined Habonim in 1947,                                                      "The Uniqueness of the
        was a member of the West                                                       Israeli Ex-urban Space".
        London Peleg, Tzofim
        madrich and on finishing                                                       So you see, what really
        my Architectural Studies,                                                      started in Habonim
        took over from David                                                           became a communal
        Paterson as director of the                                                    planning concept which,
        "Habonim Institute" in                                                         even if diluted now, has at
        Manchester and married                                                         least been documented for,
        Hannah from the NW                                                             who knows, a future
        Peleg. After a short period                                                    Habonim.
        on Hachshara I became                                                          I write all this because
        Mazcir Habonim and finally made Aliyah to Bet           reading the Newsletters over the years, I feel that
        Ha'emek in 1954 where we raised a family of             the essentials are forgotten in a sea of nostalgia
        three sons, later joined by nine grandchildren.         and Habo memories. I can only hope that the 90
        Hannah died two years ago, Bet Ha'emek has              year celebrations will, in some way, allude to core
        changed completely, but on the whole I am               issues, perhaps even have something to say about
        content.                                                the need for new ideas and involvement in an
                                                                Israel far removed from the ideals which once
        As an Architect I worked in the Planning Office of
        the Kibbutz movement for more than 40 years and         motivated Habonim.

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