Page 8 - Issue 3
P. 8
Spigelman's key achievements in the party to
date include running its high-tech forum, editing
its English language news magazine "Revival,"
serving on its Tel Aviv branch council and signing
VATIKIM up between 300 and 400 members. "But that's
nowhere near enough to have a realistic chance
of being elected," says Spigelman. "I'd like to
Name: Guy Spigelman get to 5,000".
Year of Birth: 1972
City: Sydney Spigelman also hopes to represent young
families. "Two working parents with young kids,
From a piece in Ha'aretz by Charlotte Halle who want good education, a health system they
can rely on, reasonable mortgages and a little
He campaigns hard, he has signed up hundreds extra to enjoy life a bit," he says. "I don't mean
of new members to the Labor Party and he name it in a selfish way," he adds. "Having a good life -
drops politicians like every wannabe member of not just surviving - is at the core of the Zionist
parliament should. Guy Spigelman has every mission. We need more good people to come here
intention of being the next native English and fewer of our best and brightest leaving.
speaker in the Knesset . There is so much talent leaving, to Europe,
Australia and America. The right has failed
Spigelman says he wants to be the "address" in Zionism because it has focused on land at the
the Knesset for left-leaning Anglos, and neither expense of all else. Just look at aliya figures."
his age nor his lack of experience - he has been
active in the Labor party for little over two "I certainly don't feel like an outsider when I'm
years - are going to put him off. "A network of sitting with Fuad [Benjamin Ben-Eliezer], [Amir]
1,000 well-organized native English speakers Peretz or anyone else in the party," Spigelman
inside the Labor Party could wield enormous responds. "I did my army service, which I think
influence," Spigelman explains his plan. "Those helps. I'm also not afraid to get my hands dirty.
1,000 members would be courted by the leader I work hard and people see that and appreciate
of the party and the MKs. Even if their own it".
person was not elected, they would still have
influence over whomever is. That 1,000 could "Every time I meet young, middle-class Israelis,
translate into ten members on the Central I'm surprised at how similar their world view is
Committee - or maybe several dozen if they to mine. They have lived and worked in the global
voted in a clever way - and that's real power economy and they have the same kind of
base". expectations of public services, political reform
and looking after the environment that those of
Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, and a us who grew up in the West have." Also, he
former head of the socialist Zionist youth believes that being seen as an outsider can work
movement Habonim Dror there, Spigelman to his advantage. "I'm the only person who gets
immigrated to Israel in 1994. Now vice- up at Labor Party meetings and talks about
president of software company XMPie - a post Zionism and sounds sincere. I'm coming with an
he occupies on a half-time basis in order to allow Australian accent."
time to concentrate on his political career -
Spigelman spends his mornings on the phone to Guy Spigelman can be contacted at:
the Far East, his evenings on the phone to the
U.S. and the rest of the day looking after his
three young daughters and, of course, plugging
away for the Labor party.