Page 13 - Issue 3
P. 13
So, the very existence of intimate socialist kvutsot of movement olim who strive towards peace, social
justice and equality in Israel helps to bridge the gap between vision and reality in the youth movement.
But what about the gap between vision and reality within the tnuat bogrim itself? If hagshama is an
ongoing process, a chain of decisions and actions linking tikkun atzmi to tikkun olam, which we are
committed to struggling with for the rest of our lives, then what are the dilemmas which the tnuat
bogrim faces in our first years of that journey after aliyah? Once the initial, intensive, euphoria and
trauma of aliyah and kvutsa creation settle down, how do the kvutsot of olim come together as a
movement, and what do we do
together in order to further our
The ideals of the tnuat bogrim,
as those of the tnuat noar, are
utopian. We aspire to eventually
achieve an entirely new world
order, around a new improved
type of society, made up of
improved relations between
human beings. Tikkun olam is our
ultimate ideal, but for the purposes of deciding what we should be doing today, and tomorrow, it is too
vague and too far away for us to be able to deal with on such a practical daily level. In order to progress
in our journey towards tikkun olam, we need to break it down into a series of more manageable steps.
Very roughly, in reverse chronological order:
5. Tikkun olam spreads around the world via (at least partially) the dugma ishit of the 'light unto
nations' which we build in Israel;
4. Israel becomes a 'light unto nations' through (at least partially) the long-term and all-encompassing
grassroots influences of the massive new kibbutz movement throughout the country;
3. The new kibbutz movement is made up of a cooperative network of movements (of many thousands of
kibbutzim of intimate kvutsot) which includes a significant contribution of our HD tnuat bogrim;
2. Our HD tnuat bogrim is made up (primarily) of hundreds of
intimate kvutsot of HD olim from around the world, doing
social and educational messimot together in Israel;
1. Our intimate HD kvutsot are founded by many thousands of
diaspora Jews who have chosen to transform ourselves into
new socialist zionist chalutzim through the educational
experiences which they had in the Habonim Dror youth
Although this 'master plan' is obviously very general and over simplistic, there are certain clear
implications which can help us to prioritise practical matters in building the tnuat bogrim today and
tomorrow. Specifically, it is clear that the strength and success (both in quality and quantity) of the
Habonim Dror youth movement around the world is a critical starting point for this whole revolutionary
process. Thus, if the fledgling tnuat bogrim which we have in Israel today takes full, direct
responsibility for the Habonim Dror youth movement, then with a massive amount of commitment and
passion, perhaps we can create more and more kvutsot, and together do more and more
messimot, to eventually make a significant contribution to the influence of the new kibbutz