Page 10 - Issue 3
P. 10

whether  they  are  'Lost  in         from  the  pace  of  everyday         A  profit  centre  relies  on  a
       Safed'  or  'Lost  in  Zichron'.      life, "Gibush" concentrates on        market  in  order  to  succeed
       Some of the tracks are self-          building    and     developing        and  survive.  There  are  no
       guided,  and  others  require         teamwork through movement-            guarantees     that   we    will
       the  attention  of  fictional         style  activities  and  peulot  –     succeed in our endeavor, even
       characters from the past and          trust games, group challenges         with  the  ideas  and  methods
       present  accompanying  them           and communication exercises .         that we come up with. Perhaps
       on  their  journey  though  the       There     are    many    other        The  Project  will  not  be
       alleyways  and  streets  of  the      branches  that  are  under            'attractive'  or  'sellable'  to
       respective towns. In all cases,       development, but The Project          our  targeted  sphere.  The
       the  need  to  work  together         is  still  very  much  in  its        foreign  tourism  market  could
       with  your  group  is  necessary      infancy stage. We are not yet         collapse at any moment due to
       in  order  to  complete  the          in  a  position  to  achieve  the     the  unstable  nature  of  the
       activity,  and  the  ensuing          mandate  which  has  been  put        modern Israeli reality. In the
       discussions    and    dilemmas        on our heads. Building a profit       meanwhile,  by  the  end  of
       presented  bring  the  history        centre  is  a  strenuous  and         Summer  2007,  we  hope  to
       to a more personal level.             challenging  task  for  most          know  where  we  stand,  and
       Another    branch    of    The        people,  but  when  we  are           hope to have put ourselves on
       Project is designed under the         constrained    by   ideological       track  towards  building  a
       backdrop  of  the  pine  forests      complexities,     and     time-       meaningful, profitable entity.
       of  Israel.  Whilst  emptying         pressures,  the  responsibility                          By Jez Aron
       the  minds  of  participants          becomes  even  more  difficult.

       Name:  Kinneret Grant-Rosenhead   Date of Aliyah: I didn’t make aliyah, I’m Israeli born. 26  July 2006.

       Kvutsah:  Been hanging out with my parents' Kvutsah – Yovel, but I'll be joining my
       kvutsah at the end of January in the kibbutz kindergarten. Some of my kvutsah are
       still in their mummy's tummies!

       No. of Members: 3 already including me. 3 more on the way in the next few months.

       Describe Location: Either the cot, the buggy or the sling strapped to my mum or dad.

       Favourite Socialist / Zionist. James Grant-Rosenhead

       Favourite TV Show: Baby Mozart

       Favourite Toy: An empty water bottle or my whoozit.                            A whoozit

       What music are you listening to right now? Daddy's special made up songs – "ooh, ooh, ooh" to the tune of
       various Iron Maiden or Def Leppard songs.

       Food you would rather not eat: Still on milk, so essentially everything. Can't wait for solids though!

       Tafkid in the movement: First baby – I'm a chalutza you know!
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