Page 9 - Issue 3
P. 9
What is 'The Project '? is the motto that captures based activities for two
the attitude and specific audiences: an Israeli
As the Tnuat Bogrim grows, implementation of The market and a foreign tourism
Project. Our basic market .
so do the needs of the
chaverim. Over the past few undertaking is to provide There are many unique sites
years, bogrim of the support and guidance to and enclaves throughout the
organisations through country, which when
movement have taken on more
and more responsibility with activities, consultancy and presented suitably can inspire
regards to their future training through unique and anyone. Many cities
original methods and throughout Israel have a lot
together. The development of
new kvutsot is testament to practices. This has since to offer to a tourist, and are
the desire to develop the branched out into a number of often included in their
different avenues and itineraries, but after the
movement into a force that
will contribute towards the directions in order to make visit, most of them are then
shaping and tikkun of Israel the most of our skills and forgotten about. For example:
and Israeli society. However, experiences as movement when visiting Tsfat, more
at the same time, we have to leaders and educators . visitors remember 'Safed
deal with a financial pressure, Candles', rather than the
in order to cultivate a The first step in achieving mystical aura, quaint
sustainable self-reliant and successful teamwork is to synagogues and historical
self-subsistent movement. build strong interpersonal significance of this stunning
relationships and to outline town; Most groups remember
This is where The Project
comes in. team building goals. Most the presentation of the food
We started with a prescribed people want to feel that they that they ate in Zichron
mission to make Ya'acov, and forget
money. This in itself the stirring tales of
puts us in a visions and dreams
contradictory becoming a reality,
situation - to 'make money', · and the significance
with the purpose of funding a of this exquisite settlement
Socialist-Zionist entity! in the building of the modern
Finding the red line within are making meaningful State of Israel; The southern
this paradox is, and has been, contributions to the Tel Aviv neighbourhood of
difficult. Can we justify the effectiveness of their Neve Tzedek has become a
ends, rather than the means organisations, that teams destination for drinking
to get there? How much can provide a vehicle for people to coffee within a cosmopolitan,
we compromise on our become involved, learn from bourgeois café society, as
ideological messages and life- each other and work towards opposed to a location to
choices? What can we learn constant improvement, and recollect the stories, the
from our sister movements that learning is most people, the gossip and the
and partners here in Israel effective when it involves nostalgia in the magic
about the means of economic active participation. A alleyways of the first
survival ? "shared experience" that neighborhood of Tel Aviv .
Ultimately, we took on an involves working together on We have re-presented these
assignment, and we need to tasks which are unfamiliar and places as 'moments' and
find the answers to those which require a high degree experiences. Through a choice
questions. Italian novelist and of interdependence and of different methods and
poet, Cesare Pavese, said: communication quickly builds activities, groups and families
"We do not remember days; trust and rapport across the can find themselves
we remember moments." This group. Thus, The Project captivated by their
focuses on building group- surroundings,