Page 11 - Issue 3
P. 11

Name:  Tomer Balik                  Kvutsah:  Hadera

          No. of Members: 8           Describe Location: Habonim Dror Commune in Hadera.

          Date of Aliyah: I didn’t make aliyah, I’m Israeli born. My ‘aliyah’ was the process
          of joining Habonim Dror and Kvutsat Hemshech. At the end of 2004 (after having
          been a visiting madrich on HDNA machanot in the summers of 2003 and 2004), I
          decided to join Doris, Mauri & Josh to make Kvutsat Hemshech.

          Favourite Socialist / Zionist. Why? Berl Katznelson because of the cognitive
          dissonance that he represents: He wanted to be a chalutzic Zionist whilst lacking
          the physical ability. His writings are both personal and emotional.

          There is a line in The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy: “I’m British. I know
          how to queue”. Finish the line: You’re Israeli… (please be a bit more original than - I don’t know
          how to queue!) I don’t have that definitive Israeli identity – my kvutsah shapes my identity, my
          experience and the way that I think. I’m an Israeli who chooses his Israeliness.

          Funniest Movement Moment: During Yom Kvutsah, Josh was rocking on a plastic chair. Not only did he
          fall, but he also managed to pour his coffee all over himself!

          What are you reading right now? The First Man by Albert Camus

          What music are you listening to right now? Izar Ashdot – He’s the guitar player of the band Tislam.

          Food you would rather not eat: Vegemite (ed - answered without a seconds hesitation)

          Vision for the new Kibbutz Movement…  A society of groups of groups with connections and solidarity
          between them with a feeling of responsibility for Israeli society. I envision it being the whole of
          society and not just the movements.

          Tafkid in the movement: Madrich of Workshop 56 and Tzevet Tnuat Bogrim

                                                                   Together with Yitzhak Zuckerman,
                                                               Mordechai Tennenbaum edited Yediot, the
                                                                   journal of the Dror movement in the
                                                                              Warsaw ghetto.

              •  Ma’apilim of HDNA arrive in Israel on 31  December for this years Mifgash. The
                 tochnit will be looking at The Vision: Where we wanted to be, A Criticism: Where
                 we are today... What is the Israeli Government doing (or not doing)? followed by a
                 look at what we are doing as a movement (and what we should be doing). Read a
                 review of the mifgash in the next issue.
              •  Australian bogrim seminar in Israel - February 9-16  2007
              •  British bogrim seminar followed by Veida in Israel – 5 -14  April 2007
              •  Habonim Dror France – chanichim coming to Israel for a week this month
              •  Habonim Dror Hungary are hosting World Habonim Dror in Budapest on 19  Jan
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