Page 7 - Issue 3
P. 7
Why, then, do we keep
Name: Matt Becker
exhausting ourselves
with the internal
Kvutsah: To be decided – formerly Kesher
bickering that has gone
on for 40 years? Why
No. of Members: 4 – expecting and hoping for
does our political
leadership continue to
reflect the position of Date of Aliyah: Feb 2007 – could be earlier
the radicals and not
that held by the Describe Location: Givat Shmuel – but I don’t spend much time there. I spend
majority of the public? more time living in Hadera with another kvutsah because mine is still forming.
It is better to reach
national consensus Favourite Socialist / Zionist. Why? Ben-Yehuda because it is fascinating
before circumstances what he wanted to do with the Hebrew language and it’s importance vis-à-vis
or God forbid another national consciousness. Also Berl Katznelson, who combined a strong vision
war force us to reach based on ideals and a practicality of how to live and what needs to happen. And
it. If we do it, we would because I love the story of him traveling all the way to Lebanon to get the
save ourselves years of perfect tomato seeds only to discover once they were growing that they were
decline and error, years actually cucumbers! He really wanted to be a farmer but it wasn’t really in him.
when we will cry time
and again: "Behold land, On my google homepage I have links to a how-to manual, which change
for we hath randomly each day. Today I had “How to regain control of a spooked
Camel”. Any tips?: Something to do with ropes and whips but I’m not sure
squandered ".
how you would use them!
From where I stand
Funniest Movement Moment: I was running a peula with my chanichim and I
right now, I beseech, I
forgot the name of my co-madricha, and so I referred to her as whatsherface
call on all those who
in front of them (and her!).
listen, the young who
came back from the Current Ringtone: In Israel it’s All That She Wants by Ace of Base and in the
war, who know they are U.S. it is Under Pressure by David Bowie
the ones to be called
upon to pay the price of What are you reading right now? The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson, The
the next war, on Plague by Albert Camus & The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.
citizens, Jew and Arab,
people on the right and What music are you listening to right now? Sting’s new album of 17
the left, the secular, Century classical music.
the religious, stop for a
moment, take a look Food you would rather not eat: I’m pretty liberal when it comes to trying all
into the abyss. Think of kinds of different foods. I do have an aversion to overcooked meat though.
how close we are to
losing all that we have Vision for the new Kibbutz Movement… I have no one particular structure in
created here. Ask mind. I see a collection of similar structures based on similar ideals suiting the
needs of the different communities. What is most important is having the
yourselves if this is not
person at the centre – it’s about each person making a personal change. The
the time to get a grip,
people themselves must be the goal.
to break free of this
paralysis, to finally
Tafkid in the movement: Educator on Boneh. More than that, my movement
claim the lives we
tafkid is to make aliyah and to start building a kvutsah.
deserve to live.