Page 3 - Issue 3
P. 3

Habo Dror Eizor Guide - HDNA.                            weeks of school; that’s a great reason to go to
                                                                school in a Habo eizor. If Susan wants to have
       Sofie C. , Emma G. and Sophie B.                         weekly  peulot  with  the  chotrim  in  a  certain

                                                                eizor,  live  in  a  bayit  with  Habos,  and
       After high school, or after workshop for many,           revolutionize the movement as we know it; that
       young  Habos  must  make  the  decision  where  to       too is a great reason to live in a Habo eizor .
       continue the next phase of their lives. Do they
       want to go to school? And if so, where? Do you           Most importantly, living in a Habo eizor has given
       want to be close to home? Do you want to go to a         many people the balance they have always been
       state school? Do you want to major in something          looking  for.  Haven’t  we  all  wished  during  high
       obscure like movies made in the 1950’s? Among            school that many aspects of our machaneh lives
       these many questions is the ever (Liat) popular,         could  come  home  with  us  and  play  an  equally
       ever  troubling  “Do  I  want  to  live  in  a  Habo     important  role  in  our  everyday  life  in  the  “real
       eizor?” (eizor translates to area in Hebrew, but         world?”  This  wish  can  be  granted  in  this
       in  HaboDror  speak  it  is  an  area  with  an  active   amazingly  exciting  time  when  you  can  CHOOSE
       concentration of Habos).                                 YOUR OWN ADVENTURE. As you grow older in
                                                                machaneh  the  friendships  and  support  systems
       Ideally,  each  eizor  has  two  functions  –                   continue  to  grow  stronger.  Why  should
       to run a successful chanichim ken and to                        they end when you go to university? You
       run a successful ma’apilim ken. While in                        can  choose  together  how  to  keep  them
       this  guide,  we  will  read  that  most                        strong. You can go to school with people
       eizorim  are  not  entirely  successful  in                     in  your  national  kvutza,  whom  you  have
       these realms, but that all of the eizorim                       always dreamt of living near. You can live
       have the potential. It is important that                        with  Habos.  You  can  have  Shabbat  with
       we recognize this. In the grand scheme                          Habos. One group of Habos in a city can
       of HDNA, effective eizorim are integral                         raid  the  apartment  of  another  group  of
       to  our  success  and  fulfillment  in  four  ways:  1).   Habos.  You  can  take  lasses  together.  You  can
       Eizorim  engage  chanichim  during  the  year,           have  lunch  dates.  Shucks,  you  can  even  have
       bringing them back to machaneh in the summer;            weekly brunch with 25 Habos. Chaverim, herein
       continuing and expanding the cycle, proliferating        lies the opportunity to converge Habo life with
       the values of HDNA to chanichim. 2). Most of us          the “real life .”
       love  being  at  machaneh  over  the  summer  and
       being  near  Habos  all  year  round  serves  as  a      Please keep these things in mind as you browse
       reminder  that  we  should  come  back  to               through  the  Eizor  Guide.  This  guide  is  by  no
       machaneah another year. 3). Since Habonim is, in         means  extensive  enough.  There  is  more  to  be
       fact,  a  movement  and  not  a  string  of  summer      asked and said by all. This guide is just a place
       camps, is incumbent upon us as ma’apilim to try          to start. Each contact person is willing to answer
       to bring the kenim to the level of awesomeness           any more questions and assist in other parts of
       that  we  are  capable  of  at  machaneh.  4).  It       the application/decision process, be it a weekend
       enhances  the  lives  of  all  those  involved  in  any   visit,  which  classes  to  pick,  which  housing  to
       and  all  aspects  of  the  eizor.  ROCK!  EVAN  (like   fight for, and which to avoid. So please keep an
       rock in Hebrew ) !                                       open mind and use the resources given to you .

       At the same time it should be clear that while           While  much  of  this  Eizor  Guide  is  catered
       Habo is a full time deal at machaneh, during the         towards  those  choosing  to  be  in  school,  know
       year  can  be  more  of  a  complement  to  the          that this can be of use to everyone. There are
       studying  or  working  we  all  do.  The  level  of      batim for anyone to live in and kenim that need
       involvement of the individual is up to you! If Bob       everyone to work in .
       thinks  it  would  be  fun  to  party  with  Habos,  to
       see  familiar  faces  on  campus,  and  to  have
       somewhere  to  go  during  the  first  awkward
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