Page 2 - Issue 3
P. 2

reconnect  with  Israel,  engage  in  a  meaningful
         EDITORIAL                                         learning experience, meet up with your madrichim

                                                           and  generally  have  an  inspiring  week  or  two.  If
       The  long  wait  is  over.  After  an               you  haven’t  signed  up  yet  to  come,  contact  the
       inconceivably long hiatus, Iton Habonim             Habo office near you, and if you have, I’m looking
       Dror  has  once  again  shuttled  its  way          forward to seeing you in Israel again soon.
       into  your  computer.  It’s  packed  with
       the  usual  columns  –  meet  the  bogrim,          Please    send    any    suggestions,     corrections,
       vatikim,  yediot  –  and  includes  articles        contributions and retributions to

       specifically written for you the bogrim   

       / ma’apilim of Habonim Dror around the
                                                           Aleh Ve'hagshem,
       The third Habo Dror kvutsah in Israel
       is  in  the  process  of  reforming  in
       Netanya, a Brazilian kvutsah is deciding                             Contents
       to come to the city together (Ashkelon
       in January) - a first kvutsah from Latin
       America to do so, and a baby has been

       born  to  James  and  Emma  of  Kvutsat
       Yovel.  The  burgeoning  Habonim  Dror
                                                           HDNA’s Habo Dror Ezor Guide
       Tnuat  Bogrim  in  Israel  is  looking

       forwards – growing and building for the
       challenges  that  lie  ahead.  Included  in
                                                           Movement Money Matters
       this  iton  are  articles  scrutinizing  the

       issues  that  we  are  dealing  with.  Read,
       discuss  with  your  chaverim,  and  then
                                                           Excerpts from David Grossman’s speech and meet
       write and tell us what you think.                   Matt Becker

       Also  in  this  issue  we  will  be  examining
       the  current  condition  of  Israeli                P8.
       society,  as  seen  through  the  eyes  of          In our Vatikim section, we meet Guy Spigelman of
       the  writer  David  Grossman,  and  in              the Israeli Labour Party.
       addition, we have a piece lifted directly
       from  the  HDNA  movement  magazine,                P9-10.
       B’Tnua,  about  the  exciting  regional             The Project and meet Kinneret Grant-Rosenhead
       activities that are already happening in
       North  America  –  a  model  for  Habonim           P11.
       Dror everywhere.                                    Meet Tomer Balik & Yediot

       The  season  of  bogrim  /  ma’apilim               P12-14.
       seminars  in  Israel  is  almost  upon  us.         The Tnuat Bogrim – We’ve only just begun
       Movement members are coming back to
       Israel  in  numbers,  to  renew  the  bond
       that  they  established  on  shnat  /

       workshop.  It’s  an  opportunity  to
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