Page 4 - Issue 3
P. 4

Abe  Chiswick  of  Kvutsat  Yovel  asks  the  question,  “How

       do you define the monetary value of someone's time?”

       Running a peula or some other activity with a            towns you can not do four in a day. So, let's
       specific starting time and length begs one set           say three.  But that still isn't enough because
       of questions, but activities that have less set          you need time to prepare, and it is only fair to
       parameters  open  a  whole  host  of  other              pay someone for the time they need to spend
       questions too.                                           preparing.

       When  Shnat  Hachshara  (or  Workshop  to  our           When  you  have  someone  walking  across  the
       friends  in  HDNA) was  ten  and  a  half  months        street and someone else driving for two hours,
       on Kibbutz only, there were two people we had            and one person creating a course from scratch
       to  worry  about:  The  madrich  and  the  rakaz.        and  another  running  a  course  they  developed
       As the program grew and developed, more and              last  year,  how  do  you  compensate  each  of
       more people where needed to run things.  As              them appropriately while still having a system?
       we  spread  out,  we  also  expanded  our
       responsibility to pay more people.                       We spent a good amount of time thinking over
                                                                some  of  these  issues.    We  tried  to  take  our
       Without  any  structure  in  place  people  were         ideals  and  mesh  them  with  some  of  the
       paid  according  to  other  people's  pay  scales        realities of the society around us.  One of the
       and a hierarchical tree was born.  A rakaz was           solutions  we  have  come  up  with  is  to  make
       paid  more  than  a  madrich,  a  Hebrew  teacher        everyone  a  'full  time'  movement  worker.
       was  paid  less  that  someone  who  taught  a           While  that  effectively  ends  the  question  of
       course  of  Socialist  Zionism.    The  rakaz  was       how much should a specific person get paid, it
       the madrich's boss and the educator's boss.              opens up other questions.

       That seems to 'work' in the capitalist society           What  is  full  time?    Forty  hours  per  week?
       around  us,  but  when  the  rakaz,  the  madrich        Fifty?  Thirty five?  Who decides?  Does Yom
       and the educator all live in one kvutsah... What         Kvutsah  count  as  part  of  the  working  week?
       does  that  mean  about  the  relationships              Are  different  types  of  tzvatim  categorized
       between them?  Can one member of a kvutsah               differently?
       fire another?
                                                                Every  new  step  is  a  new  door with  many  new
       The  system was  untenable,  and  needed  to be          questions behind it.  There is something quite
       changed.    We  decided  that  everyone  working         thrilling  about  building  and  developing  and
       in the movement would receive the same salary            exploring.
       independent of what specific tafkid they held.
       We  chose  a  sum  that  seemed  to  be                  I feel like a real Chalutz
       reasonable, and began paying that to everyone.
       If  someone  was  doing  half  time  in  the             By Abe
       movement,  they  got  half;  quarter  time,  a
       quarter.    We  even  calculated  how  much  time
       one session per week was.  We assumed a 20
       working  day  month,  and  a  possible  four
       sessions in a day.  But that works if you are in
       one place all day, and the reality is that if you
       have to travel between two different Kaveret
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