Page 7 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 7

national choir that was run by the composer             the same book in Finnish with a Finnish index.
        Yehuda Sharett (Moshe Sharett’s brother).               When the Jewish Agency sent you to the USA,

        The kibbutz then sent me to Seminar                     whereabouts in the USA?
        HaKibbutzim for a year’s study in order to instil       Detroit. It was a perfect choice as the Director of
        in me the kibbutz ideology, which I went along          this large Jewish Community Centre in Detroit
        with until my son was born. At this point, I found      was very pro-Hebrew. He himself spoke Hebrew,
        myself at odds with this ideology and so, after         and proposed that every Jew, who spoke Hebrew,
        seven years I left the kibbutz.                         should wear a small badge, indicating that you
                                                                could speak in Hebrew with that person. He had
        My wife was from America and had come in a              many supporters and raised money to invest in his
        group to see what Israel was like. She came to          ideas.
        Kfar Blum because there was a Beit Habonim              I came back to Israel in 1968…
        established there. That’s where we met. We
        married and my first child Barry was born in            When you were in Detroit did you have any
                                                                contact with American Habonim active in the
        Tiberias, in February 1954. In the summer of            area?
        1955, I finally decided to look for a “normal”          Only graduates of American Habonim. But I
        existence where children live at home. I                established an annual Zimriah. All the groups had
        eventually became the headmaster of the Beer            choirs and so I did have some contact. But my
        Tuvia School, serving six moshavim. It was a            main work was the ulpan and there were other
        state-run school, and I was headmaster for ten          areas of work that shlichim undertook to make the
        years. At the end of ten years the Jewish Agency        location a pro-Israeli one, so that they could
        decided that I could be a shaliach to the JWB (see      prepare for the Festivals with all the associated
        above). The Jewish Agency had reached the               customs and traditions.
        conclusion that the youth movements were getting        I came back to my school in Israel from which I
        shlichim to advance Israeli culture and politics but    had taken leave without pay and a year later, I
        the JCCs were simply Americanizing the Jew but          resigned from the Education Ministry and from
        had not officially incorporated the two main            the school. I couldn’t accept the reform that the
        components into their programme, namely the             committee had insisted upon, namely cutting off
        State of Israel and the end of the war. So, that’s      above the sixth grade the remaining grades and
        what we did as shlichim. I was the first British        transferring them to the high school. So, I left and
        shaliach. I established an ulpan, I wrote a book of     I got a job with Ulpan Akiva. I was a consultant to
        declension of verbs, Hebrew verb tables. It             the teachers of Ulpan Akiva that at the time was
        appeared later in
                                                                being directed by Shulamit Katznelson. Towards
                                                                the end of my stay in Ulpan Akiva the President
                                                                and Director of JWB came to Israel specifically to
                                                                invite me back to two jobs. One was to be the
                                                                central shaliach from Israel helping the other
                                                                shlichim with their programs, ideas, and things
                                                                that had been tried. The other job was to establish
                                                                and to expand what we called the World
                                                                Federation of JCCs. I proposed putting down roots
                                                                for the JCCs in North America as well as roots in
        four different languages, the index was in four         Israel in Jerusalem in a centre, which would be
        different languages, the Hebrew verbs were              able to have an influence on groups that were
        declined in Hebrew. Only the Finns from Finland         coming here. The building is still there. I bought
        requested from the publisher the right to republish     the building that today is worth millions but I

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