Page 6 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 6

spectacles meant non-eligibility for the army.          Anybody’s soldiers club?
        They were looking for the lame and broken-down,         Only Jewish soldiers. Another job they gave me to
        in fact anybody who could be a soldier. In October      do was to perform wedding services. The local
        1943, the army finally caught up with me and            Jews wouldn’t have anything to do with the
        invited me to wear the king’s uniform, the              eastern Jews and some of the eastern Jews, who
        representative uniform. Meanwhile, the hostels          had lost their spouses, wanted to remarry. They
        embodied the concept of trying to prepare a group       wanted a proper marriage. I knew the whole
        that would possibly, if Hitler didn’t invade, be        service as I had also been conductor of a choir at a
        able to carry on and maintain the fact that the         synagogue in east London. I married two couples
        Jewish community still existed. In every one of         and they’re still going strong. We also did some
        these hostels we had 40 children and we treated         other secretive work for the Mossad. I say we,
        each hostel as if it were a kibbutz. We taught          because another British Jewish soldier and an
        Hebrew and other Jewish related subjects, such as       American officer who had a jeep, helped us a
        Festivals, customs, etc. The children went to local     great deal when we had to remove or lighten the
        schools in the mornings. I went into the army in        burden of the various armies in order to deal with
        October 43, into the Reconnaissance corps. Later,       what we needed.
        I was transferred to the Intelligence corps. I was      If you go in late to the army, you are discharged at
        assigned to a denazification project. When I was        a later date so, after four years, in May 1947,
        on the boat to Italy, the war ended. In Italy, there    when I was discharged, I returned to my home in
        were instructions to fly me up to northern Italy        London, I went to see Niumka (Nehemia
        and then to be taken by command car to Austria. I       Levanon), the shaliach to Habonim. He told me
        was detailed to do the work of denazification in        that we had lost a lot of leaders who had gone on
        Austria. I was stationed in a city called               Aliya. He went on to say: “You come to ask me to
        Klagenfurt, the regional capital. The news got          send you on Aliya. Give us one year and then you
        through to the shaliach in Vienna. I managed to         can go,” which is what happened. I worked with
        persuade my bosses to have me go to Vienna              the executive in Habonim in London in charge of
        where I found a message in Ivrit to contact “so         a “shichva,” the youngest shichva, and then
        and so.” There, I found the headquarters of the         exactly a year later, I was secretly told to prepare
        “Breicha,” which was the organization for               myself “as you are going today.” I crossed over to
        gathering people together in camps under the            France, gave my passport to be forged with a visa
        aegis of America, France and Britain and then, via      for Palestine and then went to a camp for DPs in
        the Mossad and Aliya Beth, getting them to Italy        Marseilles and waited for my turn to leave.
        and the South of France, then on to Palestine.          Do you remember which camp?
        This, before the State was established.                 Not St Dennis, the other one. I can’t remember.

        From Marseilles and from Italy there would be           When we arrived in Palestine we were
        boats. The first boats were from Italy. I worked for    immediately conscripted into the army. A few
        the Breicha and they trusted me because here was        weeks later an order came through (probably
        a Jewish soldier who spoke fluent Hebrew. The           initiated by Baruch Tal), transferring me to Kfar
        first job they gave me was to set up a Jewish           Blum, which was my target, the first Habonim
        soldiers’ club as there were four delegations,          kibbutz. I went to Kfar Blum and saw some action
        Vienna having been divided into four zones. The         at Manara where a few people were killed by a
        British, the French, the Americans and the              gang of Arabs and then at Kfar Blum itself. After
        Russians came, before the cold war intervened. I        working in all the different branches, the kibbutz
        ran the soldiers club as a cover for the Breicha        asked me to become an English and Music
        movement.                                               teacher. I conducted the children’s choir as well as
                                                                the kibbutz choir and I myself went and sang in a

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