Page 5 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 5
Prologue in August and this time, it was an all-country
The most formative element in my life was my camp for the very first time. People came from all
involvement with Habonim. It became a symbol the different gedudim, Scotland, Ireland, England
and proof as to the value of friendship, its and so on and there was a young lady, who was a
enduring nature, its primacy over every other madricha, her name was Edith. We fell in love and
human appetite or obligation. It transcended started corresponding. I had to get back to work
family ties, motivated sacrifice and promoted but as soon as war was declared I rushed up to see
dedication to the wellbeing of your mates and of what I could do to save her. I was that naïve.
the group.
We continued to correspond after I came back
I’ll begin from the time I was recalled for a double home to work at a Jewish Print shop. Eventually I
purpose. One was to act as the central shaliach to left the Print shop to become the director of the
the many JCCs (Jewish Community Centres) that training farm for a hundred kinder transport
had started and for consultation at headquarters. youngsters in north Devon. The army had rejected
Also to found and establish a world body of JCCs, me because I was wearing glasses. Even now they
which today is called global JCC with an office in are only decorative. I don’t see any better; I take
Jerusalem. The original office, of which I was the them off to read. Reading has always been my
founding director for JWB (Jewish Welfare most compelling hobby. I can’t talk about the arts
Board), is not used anymore. The JWB was anymore for years but reading was very important.
established in 1917 to provide a club for the Edith and I corresponded until I started work with
Jewish servicemen.
the young people in Bydown, the name of the
Asher, you said that as regards an article for training farm. I was so impressed by the fact that
the Iton that you had in your mind what you here was a group, a number of youngsters, who
wanted to say
It would take too long to do that, so with a great despite the fact that they were alone, stateless,
deal of difficulty, I’ve managed to produce without culture, without a language, without
something that will help. This is a prologue and schooling, yet they had the drive to sing songs
this is an epilogue. So, in the prologue I say that about Israel, to dance and so on. I decided there
the most formative element in my life was my and then that I would go to Israel and fulfil the
involvement with Habonim. It tells you why. And Habonim ideal of becoming a chalutz. So, I wrote
the epilogue is a paraphrase of someone who to Edith about this, but this was not in her plans
devotes more and more time to remembering. and our communication came to an end. We’ll
Have we all become slaves to memory? come back to Edith later.
From there, Baruch Tal, who was the shaliach,
Let’s fill the space between the prologue and
the epilogue invited me to come down to south Devon where
As suggested, there has to be something between Habonim had established three wartime hostels. I
the prologue and the epilogue, so all I can do is was the “father” of the Dawlish hostel. I was there
give you an idea of what came to mind. The last for three years. Meanwhile, the army must have
summer camp of Habonim before WWII was held been looking for me, having given up the idea that