Page 3 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 3



          S                                                     by? A flash of inspiration, which we lost in the
                o there I was, minding my own business,
                tents are packed and are ready to go.
                                                                haze? An exhilarating epiphany, which our
                Another knobble-kneed boy scout had
          been left behind there, in the mists of the fables    chanichim caught, all now just vapour?
                                                                So we called for a forum of those who still
          and myths of the 1960s.
                                                                cared, and blow me down if some 45 chaverim
          No more up on Kinder-Scout or down by Ilkley          did not make their way up the long and winding
          moor. No more rushing back on a Sunday to             road to Amiad. And there we were, a jolly old
          quickly put together a chotrim programme. A           lot, in August of 2016, with maybe no less than a
          game, a run around, song, dance and discussion.       30 year age span between the youngest and the
          No more.                                              oldest.

          FREE! See me, Feel me. Touch Me, Heal me.             So we talked of the Iton, the Archives, Parlour
          Right behind you, I saw the millions, On you, I       Meetings, Overnights, contact with Habonim-
          saw the glory, From you, I got opinion, From          Dror UK and Olami, Newsletter Updates, the
          you, I got the story. Who?                            Irbutz and the 90  Anniversary. No longer
                                                                abandoned, IBH began to twinkle and cuddle
          So, a flutter with the Movement here and there
          in the 70s and 80s, to final Movement oblivion.       into its newfound family of friends and
          The past is the past, to be let gone. No more         activities.
          reunions, no more nostalgia. Life is finally in top   Two superb Itonim, an Archive Day, which
          gear and has taken over.                              enlightened us all and truly demonstrated the
                                                                dedication of our weekly Archive Volunteers; A
          Still in touch with some of the chevra, with
          whom together we stormed the unsuspecting             Zichron overnight with speakers, who mirrored
          Crown and Pie in Derbyshire, taking no                our lively youthfulness, and considerable
          prisoners. Over an aspirin chaser, a cardiloc fizz    contacts; Some eight parlour meetings (chugei
          and an anti-cholesterol cocktail, we still            bayit) from Amiad to Ganei Tikva, which
          reminisce on how we left the pub owner                encompassed get-togethers of Bogrei Habonim
          searching for his dartboard.                          with Habonim-Dror Olami and the Irbutz…
                                                                …and then came along preparations for the 90
          But that's a long time ago. Another life.
                                                                Anniversary celebrations, embracing two
          So, it was deep into the two thousands, once          continents - a Steering Committee, a Production
          again minding my own business, that the call          Team, A Technical Team, Cast Rehearsals,
          came.                                                 Finance team, on the road again and so much

          Irgun Bogrei Habonim had been pretty much             more.
          abandoned. The committee and chairman no              So what happened? Were we just a bunch of
          longer active. Who needs it anyway? A bunch of        lonely old geezers seeking a final chance at
          "past it" old folk looking for some sense of glory    immortality? Remember me, remember me,
          in the mists of time before they move on? Maybe       because something important made me alive. An
          to catch a moment of erudition, which passed us       Age of Innocence and Promise, which

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