Page 9 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 9

to receive the magazine that AJEX (Association of       on Aliya to Israel and get a job there. The
        Jewish Ex-servicemen) put out. I had already            interesting thing is he writes from an address in
        finished work a few years ago and I noticed there       Kfar Vitkin.” Edith asks: “Is that where you live?”
        was a request for people to send whatever they          So, I started looking for him. Only the people
        could as mementoes for souvenirs for their Jewish       from the synagogue knew how to get in touch
        Museum. I remembered that I had some things             with him. Someone here had taken “rachmanus”
        and looking through my stuff, I found something         and had pity for him and had given him a room,
        that the Jewish Museum could put up. It was a           where he stayed in Kfar Vitkin. So, there was the
        news sheet that the British forces in Austria           grandson of the first love of my life. I managed to
        printed because there was no mail and no                get his telephone number. He picked up the
        newspapers yet for the citizens. They used to print     telephone after I rang and all I said was that if it
        the news on the news sheet and the one that I kept      wasn’t for WWII, I’d have been your grandfather.
        featured the headlines: END OF WWII, THE                I was going to finish with that story.
        JAPANESE HAVE SURRENDERED. I kept                       Epilogue
        thinking that this was a good souvenir so I sent        How much more remembering can one take? Each
        that to the Jewish Museum and I sent a letter           day is consumed by this compulsive
        saying who I was, where I’d been, my army career        preoccupation with the past, a fight against
        and so on. They went and printed the whole thing        forgetting that gets in the way of living. Is it a
        in the AJEX “iton.” I didn’t know they were going       quest or an escape? A mission or an invasion?
        to do this. A few weeks later a letter arrives from     Have we all become slaves to memory?
        Edith after a gap of seventy years and she tells me
        that she joined the British army and she became a         May 21 2019, Coral, Harold and Ilan (Israel)
        captain in charge of weaponry and so on, and she           met with Asher Tarmon at his home in Kfar
        had married and had a couple of children and she           Vitkin, to hear first-hand his account of a life of
        began reinventing and redoing the correspondence           service. This is an edited version of that
        between us. I was enjoying this very much but in           account. The unedited transcript of the meeting
        her first letter she added a PS “My grandson               is available on request from the Archives at Yad
        decided after finishing school and college that            Tabenkin.
        since he was an expert in high-tech, he would go


                                                 Asher Tarmon at home

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