Page 52 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 52
Y The first thing we did after washing and tidying
es, Habonim certainly influenced my
life. In fact, it was my life! From the age
ourselves was to have a "fress", after which we
of about 11 plus I spent Sunday
mornings with my friends in the Bayit, 21 helped with "toranut" and then spent the
remaining part of the evening looking through the
Croxteth Road, Liverpool, learning songs, rikudim Kibbutz album and guzzling on sweets. We went
and I even made a "brick", growing from Boneh to bed early that night as the long train journey
to Tsofeh to Madrichah, then to Hachsharah and had somewhat tired us.
eventually to Israel.
I can only recall some of the further incidents that
My story turned in a circle last November. We befell us during our stay. The weather was not
had an IBH "Get-together" at Barry & Elaine's kind to us, it rained a lot. But this did not daunt us.
house one evening and it was a great success. To We spent the next morning doing “toranut", which
break the ice Barry suggested that we introduced mostly consisted of peeling spuds. We enjoyed
ourselves and tell when we came on Aliyah. My this as we sang and learnt "shirim", which helped
turn arrived: "I Joyce Fagin came on Aliyah with time fly.
my husband Henry in January 1953". Next in the On Thursday afternoon, we went on a tiyul to a
circle, Sharon, then Shlomo, and then I heard a picturesque village, Easton Grey, where we were
much younger voice state "My name is Dubby not made welcome by the local kids, whilst we
Margolis and I came on Aliyah in 1946" – sheltered from the rain. We arrived back in time
What!?! It can't be….then the penny dropped and for supper and after we had done "toranut", we
I blurted out "you are Dubby? I was at your 3 assembled in the moadon, where Benny and
birthday party prior to your Aliyah from Gorsey Henry proceeded to give us an interesting "sichah"
Leaze." I was thunderstruck.
concerning the history of the Kibbutz.
The next day out came my scrapbook from 1946, The following morning Louis came up with one of
and here below is a copy of our "Chavurah's his meshuganeh ideas. He split us into groups and
Chol-Hamoed Pesach holiday in Gorsey Leaze" instructed us to go into Malmesbury with a
written by a 13 year old Tsofeh several weeks questionnaire he had set up. On arriving in the
after the holiday.
village, we decided to enjoy ourselves and explore.
Easter at the Kibbutz We had brought our dinner with us in the shape of
HUGE sandwiches, which we proceeded to eat
Gorsey Leaze 1946
under the monument in the village centre. The
Early in the morning of Chal-Hamoed Pesach, weather kept fine and a good time was had by
Louis (Weiner) our Madrich, Stella, our Madricha, everyone!
John Friend, Tiddler – Jeffrey Adler, Norman
Abrams, Malcolm Huglin, Merton Wolfman, Friday evening, which stole long into the night,
Brenda Cohen and myself set out to obtain the was an unforgettable evening. Words cannot
first taste of life on a Kibbutz. After a long express the "ruach" present at that Oneg Shabbat.
journey, we were met by the Kibbutz van and It started with Zigs and "mesibot" followed by
taken to Gorsey Leaze. "rikudim" –and what rikudim! It was long after