Page 48 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 48
food plates and drinking-glasses, which they had disabled. I then used a wheelchair to get in to our
used at the house. car. After that, I found I could use a wheelchair
taxi to get around town. Then I went to hospital
So Jack could not live here in London, but
immigrated to America and went on to and short-term care homes. I am now living at a
Philadelphia where, luckily, his company had an Jewish Care-Home in Ilford, which is in Greater
office and where later he met his wife. Although London. My husband Sam lives alone in Southend
he stayed at a hotel during the week, a Jewish and he visits me every day (except Shabbat or
family also hosted him in Cherry Hill, New Yomtov). Occasionally he stays with our daughter
Jersey. There he met his wife, when the hostess and family in Chigwell near Ilford. We have no
persuaded him to walk their daughter up the road, other children at home. Sam and I have four kids
back to her brother’s home. It worked! Later we and nine grandchildren.
visited them, too, when our kids paid for us to Today I am sitting up in bed for about 4 hours at a
make the trip over Pesach. A few years later time, to strengthen my back. I am getting ready to
Jack’s in-laws made Aliyah for the second time, use a wheelchair. I have no idea when I may be
when they were in their eighties. Jack’s father-in- able to get out of bed for a longer time. In a
law was a professor in agriculture--advising the couple of weeks, we hope to see a Dov Newmark
world on potato production. Their move prompted from Nefesh Be Nefesh who is advising us on
Jack and his family to move to Ra'anana. Aliyah. Then I will be able to be wheeled onto a
plane and eventually to make Aliyah, although no
My children are all involved in computing.
Because of them I took a computer course about one can give me a time-scale (for when this is
the year 2000 to keep up with them. Shimon likely). I am hoping to make Aliyah this year to
does "apps" for children aged from age 2 to 5, where our son Shimon lives. He has bought us a
featuring a home, a school, a shop and a hospital. flat in Ramat Bet Shemesh. This is a ground floor
He has a Bafta award for a computer game that he flat with room for a live-in carer. It is adapted
helped design for the BBC with the team run by for wheelchair use and it is just over the road from
Douglas Adams, the author of "The Hitchhiker's him. Bet Shemesh is also the home of many
Guide to the Galaxy". Jack is a trouble-shooter for Southenders.
a computer firm. Esther is in computer As far as the Habonim reunion is concerned, I am
administration, at The London School of not sure if I can be in Israel by then, so I cannot
Economics. Miriam, our elder daughter has her yet book for my husband and myself. If I can, I
own computer-based company, but I am not sure want to be in Israel for the Tel Aviv October
what she sells or whether she advises on computer reunion.
use. She lives with her boyfriend in Holland.
Yes, you can use my "life story" in the Iton. It
For about the last six years my walking has got might remind my old chaverim that I am still
worse and I began walking with crutches. In the around. One of my old friends was Dov (David)
last 4 years, I have become more and more Chester, (who is editing this story).