Page 50 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 50

and children of the future Kfar Hanassi were            a 'yach'. It was fun but I craved something
        waiting out the time to join the men in Mansura.        different and I started going to nurse my baby an
        Alec turned up two days later, only then having         hour before the others and had all that time alone
        received word of my aliyah. Just before Pesach,         with him. Neither Betty nor Michal who herself
        Cyril (now Simcha) and I left for Mansura.              had a child in the same room, ever criticized me
                                                                for that show of independence and to this day I
        Mansura had all the trappings of a real chalutzic
        outpost. Close to the Syrian border with only           thank them for that.
        stones and rocks for miles around, and clearing         Despite the fact that I enjoyed my work, I couldn't
        them being the order of the day. On the first           accept things as they were and though chaverim
        morning, I was taken out for rifle practice.            tried to convince us to stay, feeling sure that
        Imagining an Arab in my sights, I promptly threw        within a couple of years all the children would be
        up and soon found myself assigned to the kitchen.       sleeping at home, (it took them another 10 to
        In the kitchen, I cooked under the expert eyes of       reach that stage) I fear it wouldn't have sufficed
        Esther Cina (Wexler) whose presence midst her           anyway. We left the kibbutz with many regrets.
        flying pots and pans was something to behold.           Leaving good friends and a part of ourselves
        Once I nearly blew myself up on one of those            behind (and bless them all for that special get-
        unpredictable primus stoves. We slept in a bell         together on their 50  anniversary) and in October
        tent, which didn’t blow down in the wind that had       1953 we left to join a different kind of collective –
        flattened the other 10, because ours, being so          Moshav Habonim – a moshav shitufi.
        “holey’, the wind went right through it.
                                                                The basic difference was the family unit. To each
        In January, 1950, I was sent to do my stint in          family its own home and a living allowance
        Hadera and worked there in their laundry which          according to the number and ages of the children.
        took in clothing from the army, and by Pesach           It had to cover food, clothing, furniture, gas and
        1950 we were all settling in in Kfar Hanassi and I      electricity. Health, education, tarbuth, etc., was
        was back in the kitchen cooking with Gussie –           provided as in a kibbutz. Work for chaverim as in
        another wizard. From there I progressed to the          a kibbutz and for chaverot, a number of hours
        children’s kitchen and from the kitchen to work         according to the number of children. Creche and
        with the children. I found myself in charge of 7        kindergarten were from 8 a.m. - 12 noon.
        wonderful 2-3 year olds whom I adored and coped         Committees as in kibbutz and I was always active
        with instinctively as far as their physical well-       in one or another of them. Moshav Habonim at
        being was concerned but hadn't the slightest idea       that time was a vibrant community of ex-
        how to organize their play time. Mainly they were       mahalnicks mostly from the Habonim Movement
        left to their own devices while I kept the peace.       of S. Africa with a sprinkling of Brits and
        Later when they advanced to the kindergarten I          Americans and the odd Sabra and soon numbered
        went with them and I learnt how children could be       70 families. We had a good cultural life and tried
        encouraged to develop through play. Meanwhile,          hard to live within our means, but 1957-58 came
        we who had lived in a tent for a year, advanced to      along and we practically went bankrupt. As a
        an actual room in a Swedish hut. It was so small,       result of this many chaverim lost hope and left,
        that for a second person to get in, the first had to    though the majority stayed in Israel. We, the
        climb onto the bed. In January 1952, we were            remaining 18 families, fought to stay on and with
        rewarded with the BIG room because our first            the guidance of good madrichim in the various
        child had been born. And then I rebelled though it      branches, we pulled through. It was a long hard
        was nothing to do with our living quarters.             haul and a good few years before we were able to
                                                                absorb new people. Almost from our arrival, I
        What got to me was sharing a room in the baby
        house with another five mothers and all ready for       worked with children but when we had our fourth
                                                                child in 1963, I felt it was time for a change and

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