Page 57 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 57
this fabulous land of milk and honey. And Moses…this shining Zionist orator…this
you’ve been told it’s not far. You haven’t got original Jewish Agency spokesmen…did Moses
road signs or Waze, but a pillar of fire leads the ever set foot in Israel? No! Why not? Because he
way. Miraculously food is delivered to you hated the place.
every day. Nothing to worry about and yet it Now I admit it doesn’t actually go like that in
takes you forty years to get there.
Deuteronomy. There, the last we hear of Moses
Now I admit many things in life take time, like is him nipping to the top of Mount Nebo and
getting planning permission to change the design taking a quick one-two-three-who’s–your uncle
of your garage, or trying to get money back from at Jericho. Then God taps him on the shoulder
the Income Tax. And it takes fourteen years to and solemnly says “This is the land which I have
train a geisha girl, and the only thing she can do sworn to Abraham and his seed. But you,
in the end is play a one string fiddle and make boychick, you’re not going in.”
tea. But, forty years to go a few lousy miles? Then it all gets vague and we’re supposed to use
Somebody’s having us on.
our imagination. Moses pleads to be let in. The
Let’s look at it another way. Divine Presence giving the thumbs down sign.
The mountains sighing in close harmony to the
You want to drive from New York to Vermont.
You kiss the wife, hug the children, and load the accompaniment of heavenly choirs. So Moses
provisions into the car. Then you lean out of the dies and everybody starts tearing their clothes,
window, tears in your eyes and say “Darling, chucking ashes around, and begin weeping and
I’m going to Vermont. It’ll take some time. See mourning. After that it’s all Joshua and his
you in five years.” Would your wife buy it? No! foreign legionnaires, up and at ‘em, blow a few
She’d think you were having an affair and would trumpets and give ‘em hell type stuff.
call in her lawyer. Well I, for one, don’t buy it. It reeks of the PR
touch if ever I saw it. Let’s preserve the sacred
The rationale behind the Exodus scenario is
simple, but no one wants to admit it. Moses image of the dead leader and to hell with the
simply didn’t want to get to the Promised Land truth. OK, you’re still with me? Well what I
and crossing the river Jordan was the last thing reckoned happened was this.
on his mind. I grant you that once he may have In reality Moses had got cold feet years before,
considered it. Maybe, when he was young, one ever since the spies came back and said “Boss,
of his pals might have said “Mo – what shall we this going to the Promised Land lark is not all
do this year? South of France? Greece? it’s cut out to be.” After that Moses had dark
Mykonos? Palestine?” And he probably replied suspicions but wasn’t sure. Then he got to the
“Palestine? Sounds interesting. What are the top of Mount Nebo and had an excellent look. In
girls like?” fact the bible says he took a gander from Dan to
Naftali to the sea, a kind of sputnik satellite pre-
But these are the aberrations of youth. Israel
wasn’t on his mind till he got caught up in the pollution over gaze benefit of the Lord God of
advertising campaign against his will, victim of Israel, master of miracles.
his own propaganda, seduced by his own And there we have it. You can imagine the
copywriting. I’ve seen it happen to hundreds. scene. Moses gazing away. Forty years he’s
No! We’ve got to face it. Getting to the waited for this privileged look. In spite of his
Promised Land was the last thing on his mind. rheumatism he’s struggled up the mountain,
showing a determination that years later would
You’re not convinced? Well let’s examine the
facts and try and make a few deductions. Did surely have taken him to the top of Everest. It’s