Page 61 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - October 19
P. 61

the ballroom, the dining room, the lounges and        send the final postal packages, which included
          the state-of-the-art conference room. Bingo! We       driving directions, menu requests and a detailed
          just needed to ‘test drive’ the dinner. However,      programme of events.
          the vile contents of the previous dinner were still   Reunion - Friday May 17th 2.00pm – We began
          festering inside us. We had no appetite and           checking in at the hotel Reception over the next
          against our better judgment gave it a miss. It was    two hours with plenty of time to unpack and rest.
          getting late and there was no time to visit the       At 5.30pm, we trooped into the very comfortable
          fourth hotel, so we drove home.
                                                                ‘Nelson Room’ for our first talk, given by Avi
          Some weeks before our visit to King’s Lynn,           Shivtiel, a retired Israeli academic, on the
          Ruth had tried to set up a special on-line account    subject of ‘The Bible and Koran compared.’ He
          with the bank. Several documents and a cheque         described Arabia at the birth of Islam and
          had to be signed by us and acknowledged by            showed how Mohammed was influenced by the
          them. The web-site was totally unhinged.              Jews and the Bible. Incongruously, the walls
          Documents were flying backwards and forwards          around us bore portraits of splendidly bewigged
          rather like an extended rally in a Wimbledon          18th century admirals alongside paintings of
          final. This delayed us by about three months.         great naval victories. At 7.00pm, Ruth hosted
          Only ‘conspiracy theory’, can explain why the         Kabalat Shabbat In the impressive dining hall.
          hotel was equally determined to delay our             This was followed by dinner. Finally, Brian
          contract, which they eventually signed six weeks      Harris from the Jewish Labour Movement (Poale
          later.                                                Zion) gave an excellent talk on “Anti-Semitism
                                                                in the Labour Party”. He included the many
          Six months had elapsed and still nothing from
          us. The many pained enquiries from despairing         statements and past activities of leader Jeremy
          members could be summarized in one word –             Corbyn, which contradict his denials of being
          “Nu????” I had already managed to ‘bag’ three         anti-Semitic.
          speakers on anodyne subjects. Unlike Ruth, who        After an excellent breakfast on Saturday
          had very quickly arranged our visit to                morning, we all boarded a coach at 10.15am for
          Sandringham Royal Estate, I was in a quandary.        the five-mile trip to Sandringham, where the
          How to satisfy the ‘punters’ who included retired     Royal Family spend Christmas. The weather
          architects, consultants, academics from the arts      looked threatening. At Sandringham House we,
          and sciences with a smattering of professors          saw the great paintings, an unbelievably
          emeriti? Excitement was not good for 80 year          expanded dining table topped with priceless
          olds, so I ruled out a talent competition. I          Meissen and Wedgewood crockery and silver
          mustn’t ignite controversy – bad for heart            plated cutlery. Kibbutz life was never as good as
          conditions! I am pleased to say that at no time       this! There was a group painting of the extended
          during the proceedings, before, during or after       Royal Family, pre-First World War, including
          the Reunion, was the ‘Brexit’ word mentioned.         the Kaiser, Czar and Edward VII– all very
          So I turned to ‘populism’. I must get a Jewish        friendly but future mortal enemies. It was while
          Labour MP to speak on ‘Anti-Semitism in the           we were visiting the Museum with its beautifully
          Labour Party’. Unfortunately, they were all too       modelled Rolls Royce and Bentley cars suitably
          busy fighting the ‘Corbyn Cabal’ to accept.           scaled down for the Royal Children, that the
          Finally, I managed to get a Labour Party Jewish       deluge of rain hit us. The noise on the roof was
          Branch Secretary instead. At this point, I asked      deafening. It stopped 20 minutes later. Then we
          Phil Moleman (IVH UK continuity man) to               were able to visit the magnificent gardens and
          email our preliminary notice. Then, only three        water features before boarding the coach back to
          weeks before the Reunion, Helen was ready to          the hotel by 3.00pm.

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