Page 17 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 17

          PART III


          Early Development of Habonim (contd.)                 confirmed by Chaim Lipshitz in an article in
          T                                                     July 1929.
                 he year that Habonim started is given in
                 the publication “Habonim in Britain
                                                                Wellesley added: “by 1930 barely a year after
                 1929–1955,” on the cover and
          elsewhere. It adds that some publicity was given      the first Habonim Gedud had opened in
                                                                Christian Street, there were (established) a dozen
          in the J.C. (Jewish Chronicle) late in 1929,          Gedudim.” It says something for Wellesley’s
          (without noting Wellesley’s earlier memoranda         leadership that almost all of the participants of
          or the fictitious date of this J.C. interview in      his two hadracha courses subsequently ran their
          1928). On page 20 of that history, is shown part      own gedudim. However, Chaim Lipshitz trained
          of a page from the J.C. supplement for “spring        all four of Trumpeldor’s Roshé Kvutzot on his
          1929,” with a                                                                           own.
          photograph                                                                              During this
          having the                                                                              period the
          name                                                                                    various
          ‘Habonim.’                                                                              symbolic
          The subscript                                                                           badges,
          mentions the                                                                            names,
          handbook                                                                                sayings,
          that Wellesley                                                                          songs,
          was to re-                                                                              uniforms etc.,
          publish, after                                                                          came into use
          obtaining                                                                               in the
          financial help.                                       gedudim. The “levenah” or cardboard brick,
                                                                which every Boneh or Bonah was expected to
          The first Madrichim of the new Gedudim did not        construct for presentation at his/her initiation
          wait for this formal document and they                ceremony, was designed by committee member
          improvised in various ways. Wellesley wrote on        Arthur Blok, an engineer employed in the Patent
          22nd. April 1929 that: “We have a Gedud at            Office. In its original decorated form it carried
          present at work in the East End of London.” “By       the Gedud name and date of the Hakdasha
          March 1929 I personally organized and ran the         Ceremony. This design was clearly illustrated in
          first course for Roshé Gedudim at the St. John’s      Volume 4 issue 1 of KVH. It has the name
          Wood synagogue in Abbey Road.” This course            Trumpeldor and the date 23rd October 1929,
          lasted until June 1929 and he ran a second one        (which was a Wednesday in the middle of
          from November. He added that: “These courses          Succot), so Gedud Trumpeldor must have
          in Hadracha soon resulted in three additional         ‘officially’ begun no later and probably in spring
          Gedudim in London.” They were Notting Hill            of that year.
          (Gedud Bar Kochba), Brondesbury (Gedud
          Hebron) and Hackney (Gedud Herzl). This was

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