Page 12 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 12
visit. The centre had already been operating for Shalom. I now go to the synagogue more
two years and concentrated mainly on frequently and I subscribe annually. I have
commemorating and educating people about rediscovered faith.
what happened to six million Jews in Europe Approximately 200 students and adults visit the
under Nazi occupation. There was a wonderfully centre every day. The place is now so much in
and appropriately constructed Memorial Hall demand; schools have to book a year in advance.
with an auditorium and library. Below ground A new state-of-the-arts exhibition - The Journey
was a museum, displaying all the horrors of the - was opened two years ago. It caters for primary
Holocaust, historically and geographically. children, in a compassionate, engaging and
Outside were an ornate lake and the white rose appropriate way which I didn’t think was
memorial gardens. I was impressed.
possible. The main feature for visitors is to listen
I came back the following week, clutching a 41- to a Holocaust survivor tell his/her story.
page manuscript my father had started compiling Because I don’t live far away, I probably speak
in 1941. In it were details of what had happened at Beth Shalom more often than other survivors.
to us till 1947. I showed it to Stephen Smith, a I speak for approximately one and a half hours,
member of the Smith family, a Christian family, with questions. At issue are also modern day
who founded Beth Shalom. Their story goes challenges such as discrimination, racism, anti-
back some 20 years ago when they were on a Semitism and genocide. An off shoot of The
visit to Israel they ventured into Yad Vashem. Holocaust Centre is the Aegis Trust - a very
What they saw moved them tremendously. Back successful and respected genocide prevention
in Britain they wanted to learn more about the and accreditation centre which has been active
Holocaust. When they discovered that there was for the last ten years.
no Holocaust centre in Britain, where they might Needless to say, I’m very much in love with
get further, more in depth information, they built Beth Shalom. Speaking there is a very engaging
their own. This may sound very simplistic, but and cathartic experience. Once I would keep
the fervour, the determination and skill with quiet about my Judaism and my WW2 history.
which they set about their task begs belief. As Now you can’t get me to shut up! I am
conscientious members of society and as sometimes asked to show dignitaries around the
Christians, they felt they had to address the centre - especially when they have also asked to
issues of the Holocaust in a practical way, meet a Holocaust survivor! Recently I met and
through commemoration and education.
talked with Liza Minnelli, Maureen Lipman and
When Stephen read my father’s manuscript he the lovely Linda Lusardi.
was moved and impressed and asked me to get A few days ago, as I was leaving the centre, I
more involved with the centre. He didn’t have to walked through the White Rose Garden and
ask me twice. I may have been in denial but noticed a new plaque. It read: “To the wonderful
subconsciously I was battling with demons and Smith family, in gratitude to Beth Shalom, for
phobias I was trying to suppress. Here was an everything they have done and will do in the
opportunity for me to release those demons - by future for all humanity. Frank and Beri Harris.”
telling my story. I was also able to reconnect Well said, Frank and Beri, I go along with that.
with the Nottingham Hebrew Congregation
which has, to some extent, adopted Beth