Page 10 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 10
only that, but at your summer camps and even at "Mr Primost we are most impressed by the
your rambling camps you have each year a sterling work your "Habonim" provides for its
central educational theme? Quite amazing! members. Crying shame there aren't more youth
clubs like yours, please tell me some more."
But tell me, when then do you have your social
evenings? You know boy meets girl – your Two months later we receive the official letter
social dances? announcing a large educational grant for
building our extension. Work started
Only folk dancing and choir! Quite incredible. immediately, but I left for Kfar Hanassi before it
We shall certainly meet again probably in a was completed. So now you all know how I
month's time."
became a minor master builder of Habonim.
But two days later I get an urgent phone call – Footnote: If today you happen to pass by 523
please come tomorrow – the head of the Finchley Road all you will see are some fancy
department wants to see you. So I put on my looking flats. For much later our lovely moadon
smartest shirt, comb my hair (reluctantly) and was pulled down in order to make way for
return to the L.C.C. A very smart looking young money making building project. Let’s face it –
secretary leads me to the main office and there I the really good times have gone forever
meet the head of the youth education,
surrounded by his senior aides.
“With all due respect, you go
your way; I’ll go my way…
Kfar Hanassi, here I come.”