Page 14 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 14

and Jabotinsky. He was very willing to help their         and they looked to Berlin as their spiritual
          enterprise and he accompanied Jabotinsky to the           home.
          War Office in an effort to convince the military
          chiefs of the value of such a Jewish battalion.       Amery was First Lord of the Admiralty from
          Later when he was in the Secretariat he also          1922-24 and then took over the Colonial Office
          approached the War Cabinet in an effort to            from Churchill. In this position, he had the
          persuade the top politicians of the importance of     responsibility for running the Palestine Mandate
          such a battalion. In taking on this role, he was      until 1929. He and Weizmann had become
          actually putting himself  out on a limb as there      friendly at the time of the Balfour Declaration
          was intense opposition to the idea of such a          and, even though he was a senior Minister in the
          Jewish battalion both from within the military        Conservative Government, Weizmann had no
          establishment and from within the Jewish              hesitation in approaching him on different
          community itself.                                     occasions in order to enlist his help in promoting
                                                                Zionist interests.
          Even so, mainly due to the efforts of Patterson,
          Jabotinsky and Amery, a Jewish legion was             On taking over the Colonial Office, he inherited
          established comprising five battalions. It made       two permanent officials, Major Hubert Young
          its first appearance in Palestine in 1918.            and Sir John Shuckburgh, who were strongly
                                                                anti-Zionist and were to serve in the ministry for
          Once he was established in the Secretariat,           many years. Amery however was not prepared to
          Amery made his sympathies for Zionism clear.          be browbeaten by either of them as evidenced in
          In a letter to Cabinet member Sir Edward              the following episode.
          Carson, he wrote:
                                                                In 1922 High Commissioner Samuel considered
             Once there is a national home for the Jewish       that it would be a good step to give the Jewish
             persecuted majority, the English Jews will no      National Council (Va'ad Leumi) more authority
             longer have anything to trouble about. On          within the Yishuv including the right to levy
             the other hand an anti-Semitism which is           taxes. He therefore submitted a draft statute to
             based partly on the fear of being swamped          the Colonial Office for Churchill's approval.
             by hordes of undesirable aliens from Russia,       Whereas Churchill turned down the proposal,
             etc, and partly by an instinctive suspicion        Amery reversed the decision, which led to an
             against a community which has so many              angry confrontation with the above two officials.
             international ramifications, will be much
             diminished when the hordes in question have        Young stated that the arguments against the
             another outlet, and when the motive for            proposal are quite unanswerable and felt very
             internationalism among the Jews is                 strongly that a matter of this importance should
             diminished.                                        not be decided merely on the recommendation of
             The other point, and the one which is most         a Jewish High Commissioner and Shuckburgh
             important to my mind, is that the Jews alone       considered the proposal “quite alien to British
             can build up a strong civilization in              institutions.”
             Palestine which could help to hold its own         Amery however, rejected their objections and the
             against German-Turkish oppression; and by          statute was eventually promulgated in 1928.
             enlisting their interest on our side in this       It was in this period, at the end of the 1920s, that
             country, we will gain a very great deal. It        the Zionists realised that they had good friends
             would be a fatal thing if, after the War, the      in the Colonial Office and often sought to make
             interests of the Jews throughout the world         full use of them, especially when there was a
             were enlisted on the side of the Germans,          dispute with the Palestine Arab leadership.

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