Page 19 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 19

Palestinian background news) was given in these       mention: “Starting Period 1928 -1930,” as
          clubs, many of which were managed by his              before.
          friend Basil Henriques. Wellesley recalls that        January 1969: the minutes still noted: 1928 –
          except for the name over the door virtually           1930 for “The Beginnings” of the History.
          nothing Jewish was going on. Thus, one source
          of our Movement’s origin came from a lack of          Norman Lourie
          co-operation in Zionist politics at its central       This founder has also written about the early
          London headquarters!                                  days of the Movement. His home was in
                                                                Johannesburg, South Africa, and in 1928 he was
          Additional Statements Supporting the Founding         in England to study law at the L.S.E. (London
          of Habonim in 1928                                    School of Economics). He had also visited
          From Wellesley’s Article of 1960, ‘Habonim in         Palestine (on the way to England, no doubt). In
          Retrospect’                                           London he met Chaim Lipshitz who was then
          “On various occasions during the last 30 years I      involved with the Torah Talmud in Teesdale
          have been asked what prompted me to found             Road. Later, Norman (as a second leader) helped
          Habonim in the latter part of 1928…”
                                                                Chaim to run the new group of young boys,
          From Wellesley’s Published Letter of                  before it was given any Movement names.
          17th November 1964 - to the Editor of ‘Mosaic’:       Norman does not mention his part in the
          “I have enjoyed seeing your publication               founding meetings, but recalls attending a
          MOSAIC (autumn issue 1964) which has just             Wellesley lecture in January 1929. Norman
          reached me courtesy of Habonim. I was                 enthusiastically worked with Wellesley (he even
          particularly interested in the article entitled ‘35   stayed at Wellesley’s home for a few weeks, so
          Years of Habonim’ by K.Z. My name may not be          deeply was he committed) for the preparation of
          known to you or for that matter to K.Z., but I        the Movement terminology, the Handbook and
          think for the sake of historical accuracy and for     other writings. Norman returned to South Africa
          the record, I must refer to the sentence on page      in 1930. He and his bride Nadia carried the spirit
          19, under the caption “Purpose of Habonim”            of Habonim with them. They soon established
          which states “Habonim was founded by young            the first Habonim branch there, with gedudim in
          adults in 1929 …” (K.Z. was the chief editor of       Johannesburg and other southern African towns,
                                                                countries and a new branch in India.
          “The truth is that I, personally, conceived, or       To Summarize:
          invented put together and certainly launched          There were three founders of Habonim not one,
          Habonim in 1928.”
                                                                and there are doubts about some of Wellesley
          From the Minutes of Various Meetings, reference       Aron’s recollections being correct. From the
          to writing “The History of Habonim”:                  above extracts he claims that the initial meetings
          (which materialized 20 years later).                  outlining the Movement took place early in
          All were at Wellesley’s home, then in Tel Aviv.       November 1928. This may have been when he
                                                                prepared memoranda for a proposed youth
          On 25-09-1966, 8.30 pm: “It is to be divided into
          various time periods, a) 1928 – 1930,                 movement. However there is a contradiction
          Foundation and Early years…”                          between his account of the two lectures being in
                                                                early November and the meetings which actually
          October 1966: “Should divide the 38 years of          were on the 3rd and 10th January 1929, as
          Habonim’s existence into 7 periods.” (Taking          described in his letter written on the following
          1966 minus 38 equals 1928, which confirms this        day to Dr. Brodetsky.
          as the starting year.) These minutes later also

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