Page 16 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 16
At Wingate’s memorial service in 1944 at revelation that Amery’s mother, Elisabeth Saphir
St Margaret’s Westminster after his sudden and was a Hungarian Jewess. Amery himself never
untimely death, Amery paid him the following revealed this fact during his lifetime that
tribute: technically he was Jewish. On the other hand he
His greatness as a leader lay in qualities did change his middle name from Moritz to the
beyond mere intellectual grasp of war, or more English, Maurice. It is interesting to
swift daring; it lay in deep compelling faith. surmise whether Weizmann could have known
this secret and whether this was a factor in their
Amery retired from politics in 1945 but friendship.
Weizmann had not finished asking him for Leo Amery had two children. The elder son John
favours. In January 1946 he asked him to appear was a fascist sympathizer who broadcast from
before the Anglo-American Enquiry Committee Germany during the Second World War. At the
on Palestine in London. He wrote: conclusion of the War, he was tried and executed
It has struck me that it would be very useful for high treason. By this time Amery was already
indeed if the Committee could have the a confirmed Zionist but it might have been an
benefit of your knowledge, particularly in additional factor which strengthened his support
regard to the period when the Balfour for the Jewish people.
Declaration was being discussed and Amery’s other son Julian continued his father’s
formulated and to the years following. It is strong association with Zionism and, for many
with reluctance that I make a suggestion years, was a leading member of the Conservative
which may add to your burdens at this time, Friends of Israel at Westminster.
but if you were to feel able to appear before It is not easy for a senior British politician to
the Committee, we should all deeply openly identify himself with a movement such as
appreciate it.
Zionism. But Leo Amery seemed to have no
Amery duly appeared. problem in acknowledging his support, never of
Amery was a very senior politician in the course to the extent that it conflicted with his
Conservative party and served at the top level of duties and allegiance to the British Government.
various governments. During the War, he was Political achievements are not always measured
one of a group that worked to replace by spectacular events and breaks through. The
Chamberlain with Churchill, and there was even supporter who is continuously on hand to
talk of him becoming Prime Minister himself. strengthen, encourage and push, often behind the
Even so, he always managed to maintain his scenes, is also invaluable. Such a man was Leo
strong links with Zionism. Amery.
One of the possible reasons for such a link came
to light relatively recently, following the