Page 21 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 21

Goodbye to Berlin: Postcards

          from Nazi Germany tell Story of

          the Kindertransport*


        To mark the 75th anniversary of the                     and I must have forgotten because I remember the
        Kindertransport, which saw 10,000 children              journey very well, but I can't remember saying
        escape from Nazi Germany to the UK, a new book          goodbye to my father and my grandmother." (His
        brings to light the heartbreaking postcards sent by     mother had died two years earlier.)
        one Jewish father in Berlin to his son in Swansea.
                                                                The "people like me" to whom Foner refers were
        They are, if nothing else, a tangible testament to a    the 10,000 Jewish and "non-Aryan" children of
        father's love. From 3 February 1939, when "little       the "kindertransport" who, between December
        Heini" arrived in Swansea                                                     1938 – in the wake of the
        after leaving Berlin for the                                                  Kristallnacht pogrom which
        last time, until 31 August,                                                   had terrorised Jews across
        when war made such                                                            Berlin – and September
        communication impossible,                                                     1939, escaped the coming
        Max Lichtwitz wrote a                                                         Holocaust, leaving their
        stream of postcards to his                                                    families in Nazi Europe by
        young son. They have left a                                                   train and ferry for Britain,
        unique record of his                                                          accompanied by youth
        determination to maintain                                                     workers and unemployed
        the parental bond with the                                                    Jewish professionals who
        boy whose life he had saved                                                   risked their lives by
        by sending him to a strange                                                   returning again and again to
        country and parting with                                                      remove other groups of
        him, as he feared, for ever.                                                  children to safety.

        What can the journey have                                                     In a series of events to
        been like for a bewildered                                                    commemorate the
        six-year-old? Henry Foner,                                                    programme's 75th
        as little Heini Lichtwitz would become,                 anniversary, some of the children, most now in
        remembers the German border guards searching            their eighties, will convene with their families at
        the train passengers and his one small suitcase, the    London's Jewish Free School today in a gathering
        Dutch women on the other side of the crossing           addressed by David Miliband and Miriam
        handing out "delicious" sausage rolls, a helmeted       Margolyes, and at St James's Palace tomorrow for
        bobby on the quay at Harwich, the large hall            a reception given by the Prince of Wales.
        where he waited to be collected, but nothing of the     The young Heinz Lichtwitz, as he then was, was
        painful departure from Berlin. "It's a strange          destined for the home of a Jewish couple in
        thing; if you talk to people like me, the traumatic     Swansea, Morris and Winnie Foner. Despite the
        memory is of parting with their parents, and I can't    comforting postcard with "1,000 kisses" his father
        remember it at all. It must have been traumatic
                                                                sent him as soon as he knew he was safely with

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