Page 25 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 25
Dear Editor
Tribute to Denis Shifrin The Different Generations of Bogrei Habonim
Since the first issue of the Iton in 1994, published If I were a rich man, I would retain the services of
to mark the 65th Anniversary of the establishment an experienced, insightful, sociologist to study the
of Habonim, Denis has, in his own words "acted lives and experiences of Bogrei Habonim from
as one of the chief advisors to the various editors, 1929 to 1979. The study would focus on
editor, illustrator, designer, writer, information comparing bogrim from the first 25 years (1929-
gatherer, proof-reader, press-man, and other 1954) with bogrim from the second 25 years
sundry occupations." (1954-1979). As well as comparing their lives and
experiences, I would want the study to address
Joining Liverpool Habonim at the age of 8 in what influenced them and what motivated them as
1935, Denis followed the "Movement Route" of they made life-changing decisions. What
Hachshara, Art School, three years Movement differences would we find?
Work, marriage to Gussie and Aliya to Mansura
(Kfar Hanassi) in 1949. Leaving the Kibbutz in As someone belonging to the second group I have
1951, over the years, Denis became a well-known a lot of admiration for the first group as I read
and much-admired figure in the printing, about their experiences and achievements through
advertising and the publishing sector of Israel, the pages of the Iton. There can be no doubt
illustrating children’s' books, producing political regarding their pioneering credentials, with the
cartoons and comic strips for newspapers of that creation of a new movement, the establishment of
time, lecturing to University courses on printing new kibbutzim, the involvement in Aliyah Bet (to
techniques, creativity and visual perception, and name a few) all with the background of World
much more. War ll, the Holocaust and the creation of the State
of Israel.
In recent years, as Yoel's right hand man, his As can be seen from the Master Builder articles,
contribution to the Iton Bogrei Habonim was the contributions of the second generation are also
immeasurable. As I wrote to Denis on hearing of significant and varied, but they tend to be more
his resignation, "the spirit of the Iton was part of individual rather than group-oriented.
you and your illustrations, cartoons, designs and
many other aspects. Unless Harold gets a smart The experiences of the first generation appear to
and knowledgeable artist such as you were, he have created a strong common bond that is
will find it hard going!" demonstrated through their high interest level and
involvement in Irgun Bogrei Habonim. It appears
Denis has stated that that time has come for a that this is not happening with the second
younger (!!) member to take over, to breathe new generation. Will the focus of IBH and the contents
and fresh life into the Iton. Be that as it may, his of the Iton need to change to attract the second
expertise and contributions will be missed by the generation or will IBH gradually cease to exist
next generations of Editors. because there will be no hand waiting to accept
the baton from the first generation? (Please excuse
Asher Tarmon the sports analogy).
(Willi) Les Kelman