Page 22 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 22
the Foners, his arrival cannot have been easy. He further healthy! Our destiny is uncertain. Write
spoke only German, his new foster family only more frequently. Lots of kisses, Daddy."
English and Yiddish.
Max Lichtwitz was deported to Auschwitz on 9
Yet after just a few months in a local Swansea December, and killed a week later. But in 1961,
school, when his father telephoned him on his shortly before his 30th birthday, Henry received
birthday in June – Henry can remember the call from a second cousin in the US what Max
standing in the hall of the Foners' home in the himself, by now expecting the worst, had called a
Sketty area of Swansea – he had forgotten his "kind of farewell letter,” written in 1941: "I think
German. Which is my Heini has found a
why from then on, good home and that
his father wrote the the Foners will look
cards as frequently after him as well as
as ever, but in any parents could.
English. The cards Please convey to
his father sent have them, one day when
now been published, it will be possible,
along with other my deepest gratitude
letters and cards, in a for making it
book produced by possible for my child
the Israel Holocaust to escape the fate that
History Museum Yad will soon overtake
Vashem, entitled me… Please tell him
Postcards to a Little "Signing can be a tiring business" - Henry Foner one day that it was
Boy: A Kindertransport Story. only out of deep love and
concern for his future that I have let him go, but
They are a rich document of a programme which,
when finally approved, was a kind of compromise that on the other hand I miss him most painfully
by a UK government that was at the time resisting day by day and that my life would lose all
demands for an increase in Jewish immigration to meaning if there were not at least the possibility of
British-run Palestine. Not all the children, billeted seeing him again someday."
in homes and hostels across the country, had a Henry Foner went on to serve in Egypt in the
happy time. British Army, graduate – and gain a doctorate
from – Leeds University, get married and finally
But Henry Foner, by his own account, was "one of
the ones who was lucky. Morris and Winnie Foner settle in Israel with Judy, his beloved wife for 52
brought me up as they would have brought up years. There, he worked as an eminent analytical
their own child, and more than that you can say of and environmental chemist on the Geological
no-one." They made sure he knew them as "Uncle Survey of Israel. He has eight grandchildren. The
Morris and Auntie Winnie.” "They never tried to Yad Vashem book is dedicated – as well as to his
hide the fact that I had a father and they would wife – "to the memory of my father and
say, 'Henry, after the war we'll have to see…'" But grandmother who had the foresight and courage to
Henry was never to see his father again. The last send me away, and to Morris and Winifred Foner
direct communication he had from Max, a lawyer who saved my life and made me part of their
who had worked hard to help other Jews escape family."
from Germany, was a letter sent through the
German Red Cross in August 1942, saying: "I'm * The INDEPENDENT, Sunday23 June 2013
glad about your health and progress. Remain