Page 8 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 8



          M                                                     It wasn’t hard for me to take his advice for by
                     y lifelong dream to become a
                                                                then things were really going my way. I was
                     Habonim master builder – was sadly
                     not to be. I joined Habonim too late
          to master that all important stepping stone –         receiving a weekly wage package as an
                                                                apprentice, playing a lot of tennis (hard to
          building my own Levenah.                              believe now but we actually had a full size hard
                                                                tennis court in our back garden) and was very
          At 18, I decided to come out of the closet. So        involved in all my Habonim activities. And had
          one night at supper I confronted my parents and       just met a lively chaverah with astonishingly
          disclosed that whilst during the day, I was a         deep black eyes (and if you looked too deeply
          serious and dutiful apprentice in an accountant's     into them you were in danger of drowning).
          office, in the evenings I turned into a very active
          member of Habonim. So much so, that I now             So only after my final exams and even before the
          intend to chuck in my studies, move to the            results, I made my way to the hachsharah and
          Hachsharah and join Garin "Hey." We hoped to          was assigned to avodat chutz at the neighbouring
          set up a new kibbutz in the Negev, preferably         Locke farm. I worked there with Bill the
          not too far from Sde Boker and a certain Mr Ben       permanent farm hand, tending a herd of
          Gurion.                                               Hereford beef cows. What beautiful animals,
                                                                with patches of brown and white, and very
          The door of my closet must have been made of          docile. Every evening I would channel the
          glass! My parents showed no surprise at all. My       gigantic bull into his pen, and then place both of
          father had already prepared a long list of reasons    my arms around his massive neck to attach his
          why my plan was ill considered, extremely             chain, lest he wander off on his own into the
          selfish "and a complete waste of your talents" –      dark night. I'm not at all a brave person but as
          and what's more, even Ben Gurion was now              long as a bull has his harem of females around
          pissed off with the kibbutzim! Eventually he          him he turns out to be a very peaceful and co-
          realized that his son was as stubborn as his          operative individual. I guess this is probably true
          father, so he played his last card, and it was a      of all species, including our own!
          good one.
                                                                During our lunch break I would read my latest
          "Listen Colin, I suppose in the end it is probably    book on philosophy, "what do we know about
          best that you do go and try kibbutz, for by far the   knowing." One day Bill asked me about the
          best way to learn in life is by one's own             book, but I note that his interest in modern
          mistakes. But as least first finish your studies,     philosophy is not very deep! But then his eyes
          for you never know when they may come in              suddenly brighten up.
          useful. Believe me there aren't many chartered
          accountants trained in the city of London in the      "Tell me Colin, in your big Jewish farm house
          whole of Israel, and certainly none at all in the     up the road, is it true that you all sleep in one
          kibbutzim."                                           dormitory, that's to say all the boys and girls
                                                                together in one room?"

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