Page 3 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - June 13
P. 3


        Lenny Yodaiken /Gerry Kelman                                      (AKA ABELS/ABELSKI)

          Michael Samuel Myer Nathan was born on                Ireland where there were wonderful youth
          Xmas eve 1930 in Dublin, Ireland. His Hebrew          hostels, old manors and castles. At weekends he
          name was Israel ben Shalom. His birth date was        organized tiyulim into the Dublin Mountains and
          a constant source of joy to his friends and           on Saturday nights the group often attended
          disciples. His father, Percy, was a “Geordie”         plays at the Abbey Theatre or performances of
          from Newcastle-on-Tyne and his Polish-born            Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. In addition to all
          mother appears to have grown up in Liverpool.         that he did his best to send members of the
                                                                movement to summer camps and winter
           At Wesley College, Mike was a brilliant student      activities organized by the central Movement in
          and, as well as becoming senior prefect and in        UK. If somebody could not afford to go, Mike
          essence school captain (the only Jew to be so-        always found the means to see that they did. He
          honoured), he earned a Sizarship (a full              seemed to have superb contacts in the
          scholarship) to Trinity College Dublin in             community. Sometime in the early ‘50s, he was
          Mathematics. Sometime around his last year at         sent to the Machon (the institute for madrichim
          school, Mike was inducted into Habonim by             from abroad) in Jerusalem.
          Asher Benson, a Londoner who met the love of
          his life from Dublin, Ida Silverman, at the 1933      On his return to UK, Mike was 'appointed'
          Jamboree Camp, thereafter forgoing Hachshara          Madrich of the fourth Hachsharat Noar group,
          and Aliyah for marriage and family business in        (1954-55), a good group and a very successful
          Dublin.                                               year. Then followed a spell of Movement Work
                                                                in London, quickly culminating with his
          Habonim had existed in Dublin before the war          appointment as Mazkir of the Movement.  Mike
          but, as a result of a conflict between religious      then made Aliyah to Kibbutz Beit HaEmek
          and secular members over the lighting of a fire       where he found a permanent job in Bananas. In
          on Shabbat, it was broken up by the communal          the early 1960s, he returned to the Movement in
          authorities. Asher gradually restored the             London on a short-term Shlichut.  It was during
          Movement and built up a group of youngsters, 9        this time that he met and married Irene Shumar,
          to 12 years of age. In joining, Mike decided to       the wedding taking place at the London Bayit.
          go out and find older members and so built up         In 1972, he was again dispatched to London as
          two groups, 13 to 16 year olds and 17 year olds       Shaliach to the Kibbutz Desk. This period
          and up. In the meantime a group of 6 to 9 year        overlapped with my own Shlichut to UK (to
          olds had been started which included Mike’s           Habonim) and Mike co-opted me to interview
          younger sister Louise.  At its peak, Mike             potential Kibbutz volunteers a couple of times a
          probably brought the membership to about 100.
                                                                week.  In the depths of a London winter, Mike

          Mike himself ran the eldest group and embarked        was distinguishable from a distance with his
          on a socialist-Zionist education. He organized        exposed feet, sockless with sandals!
          weekend camps and, with Asher's help, managed         On his return home to the kibbutz in early 1975,
          to acquire fairly decent camping equipment. He        he successfully ran the banana growing
          took his group and others Youth Hostelling in         department. It was, by all accounts, very hard

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