Page 86 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 86

I accumulated 6 years of experience working        In hindsight, with the passing of the years, it
               in “falcha” (that is the field- crop branch of     is  now  difficult  to  distinguish  between  the
               the kibbutz), growing wheat, barley, sorghum       veteran members of the kibbutz and those of
               and humus, on 6,000 dunam of land. After the       Garin Hey origin.
               manager  of  the  branch  was  transferred  to     Members of the garin became well-absorbed
               another task, it was clear to me that I would      in the social, economic and cultural fabric of
               replace him, as I had the most experience in       the  kibbutz.  Central  managerial  positions,
               the field.  As a result,  I was most surprised     both  social  and  economic,  also  became
               when informed that I could not take over this      occupied  by  former  garin  members.  They
               managerial position “as I am not a veteran         also  became  adopted  as  active  members  of
               founder member”. One such member, who              committees and chaired them, not to mention
               had no experience in the field, was brought in     the  many  that  became  Jewish  Agency  and
               to replace Eddie, the branch manager. After        movement shlichim abroad.
               a short time, he gave up and withdrew from
               the position, and only then was I given the        In historical perspective, the ten tough years
               task  of  managing  the  field-crop  branch  –     of  Kfar  Hanassi’s  existence  prior  to  the
               falcha.                                            arrival of Garin Hey, had brought the kibbutz
                                                                  to a critical juncture, which was characterised

                                                                  by  many  members  leaving  the  fold.  This
                                                                  affected its social and economic structure and
                                                                  put in doubt its future. The addition of more

                                                                  working-hands  from  the  garin,  who  added
                                                                  new  blood,  not  only  produced  fresh
                                                                  ideological  thinking  of  a  pragmatic  nature,
                                                                  but also brought about change in the social

                                                                  hegemony of the kibbutz. This in turn made
                                                                  Kfar  Hanassi  a  more  attractive  and  easier
                1962 – Purim – Garin Hey Singing Waiters
                                                                  place in which young people could live.
                Back row: left to right: Aryeh Wolfin, Max Mader,
                 Paul Bilgory, Johnny Frank
                Front row: left to right: Shulamit Frank, Chana
                 Kipnis (Lilien), Tamar Wolfin

               I would like to take this opportunity to show
               my deep appreciation to a founding member,
               Shosh  Epstein,  who  invited  us  young
               bachelors  to  “Five-o’clock  tea”,  and  her
               many attempts to find us a shidduch. I should
               add that most of us eventually made our own
               arrangements.                                            2007 – 50 years reunion Garin Hey

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