Page 88 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 88

for the next 8 years. I'd forgotten the name of
                                                                  the  farm  but  remembered  staying  in  the
                                                                  farmhouse while taking the camp down. Two
                                                                  evenings we went into Stratford (on Avon) to
                                                                  see  Shakespeare's  plays.  We  saw  Anthony
                                                                  Quale in "Othello" and I think the other play
                                                                  was "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

               IN ANSWER TO ALAN
               ROSENTHAL FROM LAST


               MIKE SCHNUR                                               Meadow Court Farm today
                                                                  Secondly, the photos of Jewish shops in East
               A                                                  Market,  which  is  decorated  with  photos  of
                                                                  London,  reminded  me  of  Covent  Garden
                        fter  some  hesitation,  due  to  Alan
                        Rosenthal's  letter  in  the  last  Iton,
                                                                  people and shops from when it was still the
                        I've decided to write this letter.
                                                                  wholesale  fruit  and  vegetable market  (and
                                       I hadn't got very far      close to the Habonim head office then).
                                       with  reading  the         Thirdly, reading of going on aliyah by train
                                       Iton (and  the  last       to Trieste. I took this ride too, but in my case
                                       newsletter)  before        the  train  went  on  through  Yugoslvia (as  it
                                       memories     started       then  was),  Bulgaria,  Greece  and  Turkey  to
                                       coming back.
                                                                  Istanbul and then ship to Haifa. I may be the
                                       First,       Willie        only person who "made aliyah" on the (old)
                                       Kelman,     quoting        Orient Express.
                                       from      a     past       And  I  could  go  on  with memories
               movement newsletter, mentioned the last of         awakened by the Itonim.
               the  "fatigues" team  leaving  Meadow  Court
               Farm. In 1954, whilst still a Tsofeh, was the      Maybe,  we  can't  help  being  nostalgic
               first time I was on "Pioneer" (setting up the      but.........
               camp) and on "Fatigues" (taking it down at         Yours, etc.,      Mike (Big Schnitz) Schnur
               the end). I went on to do this every summer
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