Page 89 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 89
AN ANSWER TO ALAN to be alive to the problems of today whilst not
ROSENTHAL AND ERRATUM forgetting the lessons of the past. I think that
the evolution of the kibbutz and its decline,
SYLVIA FLOWERS the loss of socialist fervour and dreams are all
part of an ongoing process and is a part of the
D historic process. What we did in those far off
ear Coral and Harold, I was
days of the 40s and 50s may be nostalgia to
most impressed with your latest
the younger generation but is history to us old
Iton, so many thanks to all those
I have passed my
91 . birthday and Garnethill
am lucky enough to Synagogue
still be independent;
swimming regularly
once more, painting
and still driving
around (they even
renewed my license for another two years!) A minor erratum for George Levine. His
Many of my 14 great-grandchildren can now gedud was not the first time Habonim met at
look down on me with impunity! Apart from Garnethill Synagogue. I ran a gedud there in
that I am still interested in Movement affairs the late 40s. I don’t remember the exact date,
and want to add a few facts, details and but it was before I went on the Machon in
pictures to round out the picture. 1950. At the same time, I had a plugah in the
Gorbals (Portland St. Synagogue) and once
Firstly, to answer Alan Rosenthal’s invited them to a meeting in my home in the
statement that we are steeped in nostalgia. As
a self-taught historian, (B.A. Hons. M.Phil. West End, a big old house with huge attics,
London University external student), I think where we danced the horah to our hearts’
that the politics of today will become the content. We also had a group called “Junior
nostalgia of the future. What he calls Vatikim”. We used to invite to my home boys
who had come from the concentration camps
nostalgia, I call social history. Up until the and were recuperating at a home near
last few years, only facts, (written usually by Cardross. I don’t know what language I
males, mainly about males), was considered spoke to them. Some ultimately joined
worthy of being remembered. Nowadays the
part played by each person, male or female, Habonim and came on Aliyah.
black or white (and all the colours in Although I did not know George (Yigal) at
between) are part of history and is now being the time, it was he who later gave my name
fully researched to show the part they have to the BBC and they interviewed me twice
played in history. Once they were dismissed about life in Israel.
as irrelevant but no more. The main thing is