Page 81 - Kol Bogrei Habonim - Autumn 21
P. 81

(overseas youth guides’ institute), I became a     Collins, Wolfin families
               Hebrew teacher.
               As it says: “In the country of the blind, the      Aryeh Wolfin and Alec Collins belonged to
               one-eyed man is a king”.                           Garin Gimel (destined for Amiad).
               At the end of the day, I never worked even         Throughout  the  interviews  with  Garin  Hey
               for  a  day  in  agriculture  in  Kfar  Hanassi.   members,  Alec  Collins'  name  kept  being
               Luckily for me and probably for the children       recalled as the key motivator in the history of
               too,  I  never  worked  a  day  in  education!  I   the  Garin.  In  1955  Alec  was  sent  by  the
               didn’t have a choice and every time I rotated      Movement  to  the  convention  in  Jerusalem
               through the same path of jobs.                     where a decision was made to join together
                                                                  Habonim and the United Movement in Israel,
                                                                  thereby creating United Habonim (a personal
                                                                  comment:     I   represented   the   United
                                                                  Movement  at  this  convention  –  Tamar
                                                                  Wolfin). During his visit in Israel, Alec met
                                                                  with  Garin  Gimmel  members  who  were
                                                                  already on Hachshara here in Kibbutz Galed.
                                                                  He said in his interview that he also visited
                                                                  Amiad and attended Batsheva and Marki's
                                                                  I  returned  to  England  and  reported  to  the
                               Left to right:                     Movement  secretariat.  I  said  that  we  didn't
                      Reggie Pearlson, Frankie Glick              want to go to Amiad. Shmuel Hatzor was the
                                                                  Shaliach then and he suggested we set up a
               Today I belong to a creative writing group in      new  Garin.  I  met  with  members  on
               English  and  our  next  topic  is  called  "If  I   Hachshara  in  Reading  and  Eder  Farm  and
               were…."                                            proposed  we  set  up  a  new  Garin.  One
               The first thing that came into my mind when        hundred members signed up. We suggested
               this topic was suggested was what would I          we call it Garin Hey, both because actually
               have done if I had stayed in England. There        Garin  Gimmel  was  supposed  to  be  called
               is no way I could imagine doing that. I would      Garin  Daled  and  primarily  because  of  the
               not have found myself there. There are lots of     enthusiastic cries of Hey! Hey! Hey! which
               things I love about England, but I love my life    developed into cries Hey Daroma! Since we
               here and the people around me and all that we      wanted  to  establish  a  new  kibbutz  in  the
               have done together. We all did the best we         Negev.
               could.                                             I was elected Garin secretary. I sent the first
                                                                  group  to  Israel:  Simon,  and  Gerry  and
               Interview by Shoshana Sharki.                      Diane; Judy, who married Harvey Jackson
                                                                  joined; Natan Ben Avi; and, then Dot, Edna
                                                                  and I joined.

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